you can choose different paths in the game and in the first scene after you have chosen who to play as, i need to display slightly different variations of the text. I can’t find a way to do this. I tried coding it like:
general text
*if (var)
text text text
*else if (var2)
It did not work so i tried to redirect it to different scenes like firstvar andfirstvar2 like this:
firstvar and firstvar2 had different texts, but this did not work and always directed me to the firstvar. I tried doing it like this as well but same result:
*create charA false
*create charB false
*create charC false
*set charB true
*if (charA)
Text for A
*elseif (charB)
Text for B
Text for C
In this case it shows “Text for B” when I tried it.
Is this what you want to accomplish?
If charA is ever set to true and then not set to false when charB is set to true, this if/else block will still always display “Text for A”. But I don’t know what’s really happening in the not-working code without seeing all of them.
@ FoxalypticWorld
So I finally figured it out and i went with the redirection to different scenes in the first scene with the general text, nothing else worked, i’m afraid
Yes those varibale need to be False in the beginning or they will pass the first check.
also can you post in preformated text so we can see indents.
Just select your code and select the </> option in box.
Ah, sorry. I must not have made myself clear in my last message. When I asked if you set your variable to true when you made them, that’s why.
The first *if statement with a true variable will be the one that runs. So you want to always create your variables as false and only set them to true when they become relevant in the story. Otherwise, you’ll run into situations like this.