I have
*temp unc1 0 *rand unc1 1 180 *set sec + unc1 *goto_scene openingThen Opening[b]DAY ONE: *gosub_scene calculation death_clock *page_break ${sec} Sec ${min} Min ${hrs} Hrs ${days} Days[/b]Under Calculation
*label death_clock *gosub sec *gosub min *gosub hours *gosub days *return *label days *if (days=3) *goto_scene death *else *return *label hours *if (hrs>=25) *set days + 1 *gosub co2 *set hours - 24 *return *else *return *label min *if (min>=61) *set min - 60 *set hours + 1 *gosub warmth *return *else *return *label sec *if (sec>=61) *set sec - 60 *set min + 1 *set batt - drain *set batt + input *gosub heater *gosub batt *return *else *returnThe problem is the minutes will change accordingly but the seconds do not. It will show 88 seconds for example. The minute changed but the function did not set the seconds back to under 60. So what am I doing wrong, thanks for any help.