So I just checked a problem with my names & I’m at a loss. It worked well in another WIP of mine, but not the current one.
This is how it looks, I’ve double checked my spelling & everything but on the stats screen it shows up as “Unknown” still
You want to original code, go to https://dashingdon.com/play/hexfur/a-dragons-life/mygame/scenes/
*set name "Name1"
*set name "Name2"
#Choose my own
*input_text name
Possibility 1. Change the variable names on the stats page to lowercase to match how they are in startup.
Way 2:
Replace the
text name
Name: ${name}
Also: can you replace the double line_breaks with a free line? Screenreader does not work with those
Didn’t work, & what is screenreader?
lovely, just found the issue. I had a temp name 0. I’ve done that before & it probably wont be the last time lol
Screenreader is a program for blind/visually impaired people that reads text to them etc.
I think jacic recently posted the link to a review/blog post from a blind user praising CoG/HG for its accessibility.
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