N00b asking for help

Help, I’ve just started writing a game and it’s not working. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. The code is this:


 * Copyright 2010 by Dan Fabulich.
 * Dan Fabulich licenses this file to you under the
 * ChoiceScript License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may
 * not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  http://www.choiceofgames.com/LICENSE-1.0.txt
 * See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * either express or implied.

// Specify the list of scenes here, separated by commas, with no final comma

nav = new SceneNavigator([

// Specify the default starting stats here

stats = {
    leadership: 1
    ,athleticity: 1
    ,intelligence: 1
    ,cool: 12
    ,social: 1
    ,level: 1
    ,band: 1
    ,bandtype: "None"
    ,heaviness: 50
    ,aftermarket: 1
    ,positivity: 50
    ,rehearsal_no.: 1
    ,guitar: "None"
    ,girlfriend: "None"

// Specify the stats to use in debug mode

debugStats = {
    leadership: 1
    ,athleticity: 1
    ,intelligence: 1
    ,cool: 12
    ,social: 1
    ,level: 1
    ,band: 1
    ,bandtype: "None"
    ,heaviness: 50
    ,aftermarket: 1
    ,positivity: 50
    ,rehearsal_no.: 1
    ,guitar: "None"
    ,girlfriend: "None"

// or just use defaults
// debugStats = stats

Actual content:

A guitarist will always remember their first guitar. No matter how long they've had it, how many guitars they've played after it, the quality, how long it's been since they played it or how old it is, it will always have a special place in their heart. You aren't any different.
   Up until now you've only been playing your dad's Eko acoustic guitar. It's a fine instrument but you've been longing for a guitar to call your own. You had alredy decided on a few key things before entering the shop. It must be electric, cost less than $300 and sound good. Other than that you haven't decided anything. You now face the toughest choice of your musical career as you have to choose between the 3 electric guitars in front of you.

   The one on the left is a jet black Ibanez RG120 with a glossy finish. It has a super-thin neck that makes it pretty easy to play quickly. As far as the sound goes, it's pretty good. If you had to describe it, it would be "bright and intense", in a hard rock kind of way. The price tag reads $260.

   The one in the middle is a blue Epiphone Les Paul Studio with a tiger stripe finish. It is the heaviest of the three, both in sound and in physical weight. The sound quality is great and you looks pretty damn cool while you're playing. It's the most expensive of the three costing all of $300.

   Finally there's the one on the right, a Fender Squier Stratocaster with a white pickguard complementing a unique red body that fades to black towards the edges. The sound is very clear and bright. It has a more bluesy tone than the other two and is the cheapest of the three costing only $200.

   Which one do you choose?

      #The Ibanez
         *set guitar "RG120"
         *goto out_of_shop
      #The Epiphone
         *set guitar "Epiphone Les Paul"
         *goto out_of_shop
   #The Squier
         *set guitar "Squier Stratocaster"
         *label out_of_shop
         After paying you exit the shop with a black case containing the guitar and a dumb grin on your face that can't seem to dissapear. As soon as you get home you show off your brand new guitar to your family. Your mother sighs as she thinks of how the neighbours, particularly an elderly and grumpy old man living next door, will react. You go to sleep thinking that all you need now is a band. But that can wait until when school starts.

At a quick glance, you need another *goto for the third #option.

Also remove // from the line debugStats = stats so it just says:

debugStats = stats

To save having to repeat your actual variables list until / if later needed.

Edit: to show your code use < pre> and < /pre> (without those spaces). < code> doesn’t retain actual indentation on the forum after a short while.

Edit again (obviously, “quick glance” doesn’t always suffice!) you need to change this line:

,rehearsal_no.: 1

to this:

,rehearsal_no: 1

cannot use period / full stop (depending where you live…) in a variable name.
