Monsters of New Haven High - last update 4/02

If you like your face mauled off by your girlfriend, then I guess it goes like “if you like that sort of thing” :smile:

@Sashira I just noticed this but it’s Sashira-- I always spoke in in my head as Sashria… hmmm…
And on topic, I’ve noticed that (whilst code running) choosing to be a different species affect quite a lot of stats…
Guess I’ll never be a popular Goblin or an attractive Wendigo

Also what does line 651 in character creation actually do? Since it appears to have no affect…

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You can work towards it, don’t give up! I think I got my wendibro to cap at 60% Attractive and it looks like the start of Day 2 (the unfinished bits) will offer another opportunity to raise it somewhere. If 50% is smack dab in the middle, then I at least got him to be above average and that’s a-okay with me. :grin:

Nice, but I was thinking more or going against preconceived roles-- for example and athletic goblin or perhaps a Werewolf who actually hates sports-- happily this is an option, and I hope will be developed further, and I’d love to play a Wendigo who goes from social outcast to popular Wendigo.

Hello, I am new here and just played this WIP from the link on the top this topic recently and i absolutely love it
and it seems that it got a lot more update and I have not seen everything that have been updated
may I ask for the link to the most updated content ??

For as far as I’m aware the top link is the most recent one.

but i noticed some discuss about kissing scenes that wasn’t present in the link provided

That scene was already present in the original demo; it’s just difficult to find.

@Rebel30: As far as I’m aware, Hunter/Artemis is the only romance option (that isn’t exclusive to a specific monster i.e. the vampire’s servant or the demon’s lover(s)) to currently have an actual kiss scene in-game. How they react to the kiss is heavily reliant on how you treated them. Were you purposely egging them on for a fight? They’ll probably be disgusted by the fact you kissed them and want to break your nose. Now, if you actively flirted with them (either legitimately or to manipulate them), that has a completely different outcome.

Just look for them when you have the option to wander around the school for a bit.

I personally love how flustered Hunter gets if a rebellious MC pops into the alley for a smoke as well and he doesn’t really know what to do about that. :grin:


Aesthetics :grin:






(I know Wendy is not exactly white but I could not find better pics)


Everytime I hear the name Wendy I think of that chick from the show Breaking Bad.

I think of Peter Pan. And then a Neverland full of wendigos.


Wow, those are great, thanks for sharing! Loved the Benny one, suits him so well. The little house on the bottom left of his looked amazing, I want one now. There’s just something about round doors. I don’t know, I like round windows too. Rectangles and squares are boring.


I think of the restaurant brand.

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Reminds me of the starved deer form from Dark Souls.

I am imagining our Wendigo’s form as someone with a glasgow grin with thin, long, sharp teeth and of course claws. I wonder how long they’d survive any draining with perpetual starvation…

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Does anyone watch Gravity Falls?
Anyway, I visulise Wendy as pale with freckles, and rocking the whole
‘cute, shy look’


Isn’t gravity falls like, I dunno, dead due to all the new programs taking over CN?

Gravity Falls is from Disney, not CN.

It’s also finished.


I always see Wendy as the type of gal you’d take one look at and wonder if she’s okay. Physically okay that is. Wendigos, as part of their nature, look sickly to us. They’re emaciated and stuck in a perpetual state of starvation. Considering Wendy essentially spent close to two centuries in a feral state and suffers from PTSD, I never really associated her with the word ‘cute’. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

She might have beautiful features, but she’s still going to look gaunt and sickly methinks. I always picture her as looking like this before she became a wendigo:

The real question is just how much she still looks like that. PTSD and all that good stuff ain’t exactly wondrous for the body and skin. :yum:



I don’t know about pale, if Wendy’s background is exactly the same as the wendigo PC then she is full-blooded native american.


Meh. “gaunt and sickly” aptly describes many supermodels. It doesn’t preclude her from being cute. All a matter of perspective.

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