As a player, I don’t particularly care for flirt/romance indicators. Usually flirt options are extremely telegraphed, so adding a
to “‘Looking good, hot stuff,’ I say, winking’” or “‘T-t-thank you’, I mumble, as my cheeks heat up like I’d just stuck my head in an oven” isn’t really adding any information. Even if the phrasing is ambiguous, I feel it’s easy enough to indicate tone in the option text. E.g., “‘Do you come here often?’ I ask, flirtatiously”.
This is a me problem, but I find when indicators are used, I tend to parse them first and the story text gets a little lost. It becomes a game of “scan for the stat X option” and “smash that
option to progress the romance”. Of course, I’d never begrudge it as an accessibility feature ― tone is challenging and English isn’t everyone’s first language ― but an option to toggle the indicators off is greatly appreciated.
Sort of an aside, but if a game is going to use unusual Unicode symbols, I’m a strong believer in coding those in as variables and offering an all text version. Mainly for players with screenreaders, but also for players whose devices cannot display certain symbols or display symbols strangely. I’ve seen at least one WIP that used half a dozen symbols that were indistinguishable at the size my browser displayed them at.
Even with basic symbols, keep in mind many screenreaders skip symbols entirely or interpret them in a way that’s less helpful. “Flirt” is better than “
” (which would be read out as “heart”). Greatly Increase Finesse" is much nicer than “Finesse+++” (which would be read out as “Finesse Plus Plus Plus”). “Moderate Decrease to Brute Force” is better than “--
Brute Force” (read out as “Brute Force” as hyphens (-
) are generally not voiced since it’d be annoying if they were for words like “part-time”, “ex-lawyer”, etc). Using a real minus sign (−
) is better, but making your players listen for the number of minuses is still worse than offering a text alternative, IMO.
From a creation perspective, I don’t do
indicators because I’d find it too limiting to think of options as the flirt option, friendship option, jerk option, etc. The same dialogue choice could lead to a friendship moment, a bit of romance, or bit of rivalry depending on the context of the PC/NPC relationship.
Plus, I like ambiguity. I like leaving the door open a crack for player interpretation. If you want to do a running leap into the arms of an NPC, who am I to tell you if it’s romantic or platonic or somewhere in between? Though
- Leap into Max’s arms (Romantic)
- Leap into Max’s arms (Platonic)
- Leap into Max’s arms (Vindictive)
would be a fun comedy bit.