Lost in your eyes (WIP) [Feb 06 2025 Update] [3 Ch, 260K words] [Vampires/Romance/Modern Dark Fantasy]

Speaking of, Update time!!

Kinda a new site sooo, sorry if I did anything wrong. Tried it out, and it’s pretty good on my end!

I know, I’m past the update but uhhh… yeah, I’m sorry ;-;

The book kinda gave me a run for my money cause I was trying to implement a poly route and I went “Wait a sec… This is a short book! WHY DO I NEED TO IMPLEMENT A POLY ROUTE!” And so instead of going 23+K words it now sits close to 21K words!

Hope you guys enjoy, and as promised on Tumblr, here are the protraits of Alex/Alice <3



In the main book, they do have their werewolf form, that’s just not here :>


So is Lost in your eyes saved? Sorry, if you’ve already wrote that somewhere, just making sure we won’t lost this game.

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Yep! I’ll be updating the games CoGDemos hopefully tomorrow or on Tuesday <3


After trying the link… I don’t know that this is what you meant to post. It says “Adrift with you Patreon Version” which might be incorrect.

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Oh yeah, this is the Patreon version that I posted (Intentional, just forgot to change the name) Thanks for pointing out!! ^-^



Uhh, I’d like to apologize for not rewriting much (Exams and stuff got me cooked) BUT I was able to post 1-4 chapters publicly!

Not just that but Chapter 5 was also reread and rewritten (Not a lot, just integrating Alex into the story). This puts the not so short book at 23K words and combining the words already written, at 30K words.

About 6K words were reread and rewritten. Maybe More

I’ll be working on Chapter 4.2 of LIYE and I’ll hopefully post it on Next Tuesday or Wednesday, so between 28-29 and post it on Patreon then work on finishing the short book ASAP

Thanks for being patient with me you guys!!


Update time!

Chapter 5 of the short story was released publicly while chapter 6 was released on Patreon, putting the short story at 26 something thousand.

Chapter 4.2 of Lost in your eyes is now being worked on, I’d reckon I’ll release it on Wednesday but since I’m going through exams I’ll be save and say I’ll release on Thursday.

I’ll release chapter 4.1 of LIYE next monday and post it on the new server.

I know I’m a bit late but Thanks a tonne @EvilChani for maintaining the server!! :heart::heart::heart:

Any who, back to studyin, see ya guys next week. I hope you enjoy yourselves!!


Alright, this week has been relatively been productive.

I was able to finish chapter 4.2 and write about 5K words.

Chapter 4.3 will open up with a bang and you can skip chapters and come here.

Chapter 4.3 currently has 4K words, with more to come!

I’ll have to do a little bit of planning for chapter 4.3 while also working on doing weekly releases of the short story.

I’ll also make a public update on Liye Wednesday, (I know I said monday but somethng came up, sorry >.<)


Sorry for the delay, I got into an issue but now it’s resolved!

Book length: 260,000 words.

Words Per Playthrough: Around 80,000 words.

A few bugs were fixed that caused an infinite loop and in the character creation if you chose an option.

Chapter Summarization: Delve into Valentine’s insanity and get to know that even the most insane people have a soft side for things they care about… at least in their own way.




Nice to see the progress made for this, and good work as always!

I did not really have the time to play with the updates these past 2 months due to being busy with work, but it’s cool to see that the rewrite went well.

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I am so excited to replay this! (The doctor totally has my interest but I also cannot resist being messy).

Quick question though. There doesnt seem to be a save option? Is that something that is supposed to be there or? I dont make loads of saves but it does come in handy for picking back up in longer works.

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Haha, the rewrite was for Chapter 2 only and even then I had to let go of a few things because the deadline was running too close :sweat_smile:

Uhh, I think the saves are there.

You have to click on this ^-^ (It worked for me, do tell if it doesn’t for you :heart:)


Perhaps it is an issue on my end (though it is appearing on other IFs :worried:) or perhaps it is a mobile problem? I dont know lmao.

Tried putting in on desktop mode too

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Oh- Woops! Should be fixed now! (Don’t know why it wasn’t showing me that problem :sob:)


100% fixed and working! Thank you haha. I would have went through it all without saves cause I enjoy the read but this certainly helps with trying out multiple routes!

Subtle reference to our delightful doctor, is it?

Nothing but a suspicion, of course, but I wouldn’t be surprised. :smile:


Who knows >:3

Speaking of our delighful doctor, since Dashingdon shut down, I have to put up the short stories up on COGdemos, and now that I’m reading through it, I realized I never wrote a part where the Dominant MC can… y’know, top em.

Working on putting that in XD

Update time!

Not gonna lie, wasn’t much productive this week either >.< I did try to count how much I edited and reworded and the words are close to about 3-4K words.

I’m working on posting all the short stories on COG demos sooo yeah!

A lot of the short stories had some kind of issues with it, like, weird word changes, symbols being put in some place so cleaning them out will take a bit.

I’m also re-reading through my past stuff so that if I make it public, it’s at least at a standard writing where I am at right now XD

That’s pretty much it, I maaayyy be stuck with writing a scene with Laurel and honestly might turn it into a fade to black in AWY so yeah XD

Hope you guys have a great week!


I don’t think some of the stats work at all.

Eh? Which ones?

Aight update time!

I’ve been in a bit of a dry spell cause my brain dry as heellll :weary: Still, I did a lot but not enough imo.

Chapter 5 is now almost fully planned. Crazy stuff happening.

About 4K words were deleted in chapter 2 which I’ll have to rewrite. I think an additional 1K might be needed to be deleted. (I’m rewriting the first fight with the werewolf)

about 2-3K words were written in chapter 5.

Over all 5.2K words were written.

That’s pretty much. Enjoy your weekend you guys!


I was on 75% harsh, but sometimes it said I was caring for some reason, same with Stoic I was on 65%, but it said a few times I was Emotional. So not sure if the stats are broken sometimes or if that is intentional.