One thing for sure is there no MCs that won’t kill anything. How we deal with the chaos will ultimately decide if we share her fate or not
With all the talk about Bad endings and everyone’s romances and friendships with people jus enhancing it.
Somehow it makes my Resistant, Murderous Hunter MC seem like the sane man.
From the start He know that having magic is gonna end any chance of a normal life and drag them into trouble. Having ti deal with his suitemates’s bullshit, dangers to himself and family from Reyna and Frostbite, and the inconpetence and intrige of the magical world in general just made him focus on just survival day one.
Hell the only reason why he uses Control Magic is just to surive. Slowly becoming a guy who wants nothing to do with magic to a murderous Keeper who hates everyone and would let the Magical World burn if it did not mean the Normal World and his life suffers as well.
I see him reacting to all the other MC’s with their acceptance and connections making them blind to the eventual Trauma that hits them and when they snap. He just smirks and tells them “I told you so.”
In other words. From Resistant to Insane Rogue Hunter. And I would not have it any other way.
My Hunter is semi sane. Accepted magic, even was curious of it. Now? Mostly just hates the idiocy of politics and the bullshit that goes with everyone in leadership positions. Good thing he is taking political sciences, so that IF he happens to survive (and spare as many of those that wish him ill, he ain’t killing anyone unless there is no other way) the end of the world, he is stepping into the politics realm, and 100% outting himself as Hooman.
Good thing my mc is romancing Alty and knows that dream is iffy because, if nothing else, Tiras Adtaz won’t ever really be nice to him and Alty’s mom suddenly becoming this sweet personality instead of her reality altering demon self, those things plus the fact that the dream assumes he wants to be a hospital doctor and that anybody would even hire him for that. Yes, my mc studies medicine but that is mainly to allow him to be a combat medic for his friends and himself. Plus apparently he keeps dressing like a bum.
Really to my mc that dreamworld is built on a bad algorithm that gets a lot of pivotal things completely and often hilariously wrong and it probably does that because Nessa herself does not and cannot know those things no matter how much intel she collected on mc. Which means the dream makes some rather bad assumptions that make the dream world an obviously fake one.
The part that hurt for my mc was not so much the dream itself but that he is still so weak to magic and ignorant of far too many things in the magical world.
I was wondering. Would the game have something akin to Fallout Epilogues that shiwcase the consequences of our actions and choices on the magical world and our friends and ourselves once the game is done?
Or would it be more personal and focused into ourselves and new Magi City only?
Another question would be if there will be parts of the epilogue detailing our legacy and our effects on the future at large besides shiwing the immdiate consequences in the short term?
Idk man I’ve actually had terrorists gunning for me in real life and yet here I am reading cyoa books
Like I mean that literally; they were shooting at me and I was shooting back.
Different people react in different ways, and the more time passes the less your mind holds onto it.
Honestly if I had magic while in those situations I probably would’ve had less trouble dealing with it.
On the other hand I have a hard time believing all that was 13(!) Years ago now because every firefight is in crisp 4k and everything between then and now is like a VHS tape someone dug out of a swamp and used AI to recover.
Sheesh. Sounds horrible. Hope your ok.
Very true on the reaction part. Plus adding to what our Protagonist’s personality and seeing it either change, adapt, or stay the same as we go though each book adds to the experience
For my mc it is not the fighting, particularly when that is to protect the people he cares about that does it but how shit his life has gotten to be in the magical world that is the problem as since coming to the magical world he has practically lost his entire life and it is the little things like never knowing fuck all about the most basic things everybody assumes he knows, not having a car or apparently even knowing how to drive one any longer, being forced to dress like bum (unless he “borrows” clothes from Leon) while in the constant presence of the well-dressed elite that continue to grate on him and simply always getting zero respect from basically everybody, particularly the people that supposedly work for him yet cannot be fired.
Sure, there are some bright spots, mostly Alty and his friends but everyday existence in the magical world is still kinda shit overall.
You can’t fire your staff?
I’ve never tried.
Nope they are protected by bureaucracy even if they don’t actually do their jobs and apparently they were paid to sit on their asses ever since the mc was discovered to be a Keeper while it takes months for the mc themselves to start receiving a portion of their own salary. I think they don’t even pay the mc the full amount due to the college thing while they do have the mc fight more than any fully paid keeper in recent history.
Some of those fights were caused on purpose as revealed in book 2 if u dig deep enough. It just seems backwards that the mc can’t take a break since the government will track and drag them back but can’t protect world ending objects.
One of the things I’ve been disappointed with is how a lot of this information seems to be locked behind certain routes. Like, lore n things. Like how the angels want you dead, which is really cool informative but not really relevant. But the fact that someone behind the scenes has been fucking with you and letting in monsters? Seems pretty damn important.
At this point I would if mc and their friends are the only competent people in NMC and how it has lasted this long.
It’s just funny that the demons are actually trying behave unlike the angels. It’s dumb the angels would target the Mc especially if they are angel. But u are right that attempted murder is a big frisking deal. The only way to even find it out is being besties with the twins or using a truth potion on the angels political leader. Honestly surprised that other keepers don’t have to deal with this crap.
Too be fair there’s only one other Keeper now since Nessa is a walking body bag after that shit she pulled with tthe dream.
What does everyone plan to do to Nessa when you get your hands on her?
I’ll just leave it to your imagination but it ends badly for her.
Kill her. Frostbite needs to be erased from existence. Not killed: ERASED. So yeah, she’s gotta go.
Yeah man it’s a trip because it was a murderous demon that turned up in the first book. And where is that demon anyway? I let Reyna live, so shouldn’t it be running around somewhere trying to get at me? It all ties into my ultimate criticism that despite being a good series, its main flaw is that our Keeper literally jumps from pitifully weak to pretty powerful to a god-like planet destroyer damn near overnight. Why are we so strong when every other Keeper has either been killed or broken? A lot of details get glossed over, like us being the only competent person in the goddamn universe. Why? Why is it so hard to get the most basic shit done? It feels like that Spongebob scene between Patrick and Man Ray and we’re fucking Man Ray.
Let’s face the facts. Even if Frostbite is wiped off the map, there are still corrupt individuals to fill in their spot. It’s not just monsters that need sorting out, it’s the whole dam magic system that needs to resetting so half this nonsense won’t happen. I mean it’s bad that someone has complete control of the nymphs with the knifes. Stuff like that is messed up even for emotionally wrecked mc
Yeah, that’s politics for goddamn sure. There’s always someone getting the short end of the stick, but problem is, they’re doing it to us. If they’re not careful, we might have to Thanos that whole magic system. And not Infinity War Thanos, Endgame Thanos. It’s pretty hypocritical considering what we’re going through, but fuck it push came to shove and no one outside our friends and family have done anything to prove otherwise.