Input_text help- putting in text something the player decided before?

Okay so what I mean is, in the beginning of the game the player typed in 56454, and later on the game asks for that number to do something, by way of *input_text. I’m really not sure how to go about it and ultimately it’s not super important but I would like some help trying to figure it out.

First, you have to have one variable, either:

*create playerinput ""

in startup.txt or you can have a *temp variable in whatever scene file you are using.


What is the number?
*input_text playerinput
*if (playerinput="56454")
    *goto nextscene
    *goto thatotherscene

If the number is set by the player before you need these:

*create playerinput ""
*create playerinput1 ""

then when the check comes:

*input_text playerinput1
*if (playerinput1 = playerinput)
   *goto correctnext
   *goto wrongnext

EDIT: if you want to give the player multiple, but limited tries, you can make a *temp at the start of the scenefile:

*temp attempts 0

and then:

*label inputthing
*input_text playerinput1
*if (playerinput1 = playerinput)
   *goto correctnext
   *set attempts +1
   *goto wrongnext

*label wrongnext
*if (attempts <3)
   This is not correct. Try again.
   *goto inputthing
   This is not correct. No further attempts possible.
   *goto fail