How do I set the max value for Strength to be 1000 instead of 100, so if it goes over or equal to 1000, the percent bar will be shown as 100% but if you have a value of 100 then it will be displayed as 10% of the percent bar?
You can use fairmath to add and subtract % to a variable. here is a guide to that.
As for changing the value of 100 to 1000 I think there is a way but I can’t find it right now.
Well, I think you can manually make the operation and update the value accordingly to the 0-100 scale
but if you want to display from 0-100 I don’t see why you need to go to 1000 if the bar only goes to 100.
There are definitely benefits, as you can have a wider range, you can use a different scale to grant points. Also, not everyone (and I mean me) likes fairmath, because change is exponential instead of linear it is much harder to balance the game properly without a lot of trial and error.
I would suggest keeping double variables, e.g. strength_real and strength_display, and then updating them in a subroutine that checks whether they’ve gone over or under the limit. Something like this:
*label add_strength
*params add
*temp sum strength_real + add
*if ((sum >= 0) and (sum <= 1000))
*set strength_real sum
*set strength_display sum / 10
And then you would call it like *gosub add_strength 5 or similar. Although I kept my universal subroutines in a separate file, so I used *gosub_scene.