In which game did you play your favorite MC's ?

A Midsummer Night’s Choice. I was basically me, but in a Shakespearean-comedy-pastiche world, or at least a somewhat-caricature version of me with some differences in character due to her situation which allowed me to essentially explore an imaginary world and story and my own psyche at the same time. I loved it, obviously. Although I’ve ended up getting to the point where no other Choice Of Game I play captures that sense of identification with the character.


Lords of Aswick. Living out an entire life in a new world really helped me focus more on the choices I made and how they would help and change my character.


Mine had to be the great gender locked game of ‘Lords of Aswick’ the first game I played years ago. I honestly love, love medieval based stories.

Just you the player had the choice to how to build your hometown. Who you romance. If you get decorated for fighting. You could even choose who goes on the iron throne. I just love the story and Kinda wished for something like that.

There are the great tournaments series. The mage series. Also the lost hair of daria(which I don’t like because the first two feels like they are same).


The Wayhaven Chronicals for sure! You get so much customization that feels actually meaningful with the MC! Fallen Hero, The Aegis Project, and Study in Steampunk also all have great MCs!

Though on a more personal opinion the MCs from the Heroes Rise Trilogy and Samuri of Hyuga will always hold a special place in my heart! I normally just play using one of my OCs and those games are where I first played them in.


Oh, and I can’t believe I forgot, but Gabriel from SoS the mortal coil is amazing too.


personally for me it would have to be heroes rise as i loved takeing the mc through the trilogy and wayhaven mc cause the story is so good in terms of balancing romance supernatural and action that none of it seemed forced or like a story its more like what real people might do in a word it feels geunine (dont know if i spelled that right) and a close secoond to those two would be choice of robots it was one of the first cog games i played and it was amzing also the reason i got into these games

some great wip ive played that im exicited about to play the mc in the full games is broken lenses, demon recollect and parent app

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Samurai of hyuuga , I get to be a pervy ronin…who protect a nerd . and then hook up with a Sexy Doc lady …and kill idiots with a katana . :smirk:

my 2nd favorite…would be choice of the cat . Seriously ! I know what I’m reincarnating as for sure !!!


Samurai of hyuuga and fallen hero and wayheaven(playing them around the same time) I just love the complexity and diversity of characters I could make

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I think i must add Heart of the House and Love at Elevation in addition to Tin Star and Slammed ! :slight_smile:

The supernatural environment and encounters in Heart of the House is totally mesmerising , the romantic crush with the Enigmatic Oriana is one the best experience that will forever haunt my soul :-):blush:

And i absolutely love the reconciliation romantic journey with Luisa in Love at Elevation , that was one of the sweetest romantic interaction i had ever read :-):sweat_smile:


For me it was Fallen Hero: Rebirth, A Study in Steampunk, Waywalkers (1,2), Heart of the House and Love at Elevation.

Love these games very very much!


Hey … great to know that there are others who love this game :-):grin: Which RO is your favourite ? :-):sweat_smile:

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Luis ofc! Hahaha. How bout you, @Eric_knight?
(ack! Just realise I quote the wrong one lol)

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Oh my heaven :-):sweat_smile: Apparently we share the same sentiment , because my favourite romance route is with Luisa, the Ex as well … The conversation with the Ex is among the sweetest interaction right ? :-):smile: It really feel great when the Ex was so sincere with the reconciliation effort :-):hugs:

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I know right! :heart_eyes: :heart: no matter how interesting the other ROs in the story, Luis is the best! :laughing:

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When I played as ronin Misako in Book 3 of Samurai of Hyuga.

Same! I loved my character in Study in Steampunk. The romance I had going between Finch and my MC Watson was utterly heartbreaking and I loved how the author handled the romance and the twists and turns that the relationship had faced. I went through a second playthrough and went out with Grace, and Finch’s slight mixed reaction of disappointment and happiness for the MC made me go through the game a third time.

The line I distinctly remembered and loved was something along the lines of “love is something you do, not something to which you mouth platitudes to. And you are, by my count 153 weeks too late for me to place any value on your apologies.” I was honestly just heartbroken after Finch fell off and when he came back I felt the anger and the disappointment my MC felt. I told Finch off, punched Woodward, but continued to work for the government.

That line was so good and I felt for both of these characters so much. My character here felt like an actual character that I shaped and he molded into his own person based on what I picked, as opposed to a hallowed puppet that only ever picks what I want to say 100% of the time and never have dialogue on their own without me having to choose it.
Both romances were amazing for me and I could honestly, truly sympathize with my character. My heart broke along with my character and that’s what I’m truly looking for in any type of writing, that level of writing where it’s super easy to feel what your character is feeling. Bravo to Ms. Albano and her fantastic writing.


For me, it’s a tie between the Marshal in Tin Star, the MC in Through Broken Lenses, and the MC in The Parenting Simulator.

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Definitely Sidestep from Fallen Hero. I’ve heard some criticisms that it’s hard to feel any agency with a protagonist whose backstory you don’t know. While I understand that, I think it’s fascinating to play as a character who doesn’t have a blank-slate past. They’re an interesting character in their own right and they’re interesting to play as.


The MC in Samurai of Hyuga. I get that some people don’t like them, 'cause they start out with a predefined personality. However, I found that the development that allowed, made me so much more invested in the story and the character.

That’s probably the only CoG game where the MC is my favorite character.