I'm Sorry, But I Think We Should See Other People - ROs You Hate

That been the way the game was since Book 1 lol. The Ronin is not a self insert they have had thoughts and made decisions regardless of the player. And if you believe Book 5 Toshi would have followed the orders if they were real, then you have not been paying attention. You really need to go reread that conversation, cause Toshi pretty much explains what happened and how they fall in love with the Ronin.

I don’t even know what this means but Toshis loyalty to the Ronin is not because of that. It’s because of the timeloop they were placed in Book 3.


Wait, Julian sim can be something other than an antagonist?


Genuinely hated that cowardly little weasel. You dont rope random passersby into your megalomaniacal scheme to upend the status quo and then act sur-fucking-prised when random passerby repeatedly slams the crusade button immediately after you do the bare minimum of removing us as some sort of messianic lynch pin.

Just gonna go marry the hot ghoul doctor and fuck off, thanks.


The game was so weirdly pushy with him, kinda got frustrating since as much as I don’t care for the Camarilla I don’t like his silly little techbro bullshit plan any more, and yet obviously he kept pushing himself into the narrative. Well whatever I guess, got to go down yet another Generation so that was pretty sweet, now I’m fucking three lower than I was embraced at and with only one and a half acts of Diablerie so thanks dude, anyway gonna hang out with my cool pawnbroker ghoul girlfriend, have fun dealing with the consequences of your own actions.


The real way to deal with him is to join the SI and kill him in the warehouse when he goes after you for “betraying” him.


Ah, I’ll be a special snowflake then. :snowflake: :sparkles: Ortega’s not really my cup of tea. I don’t hate them, but they don’t really appeal to me. It’s the whole pushy, concerned friend thing – which they have every right to be concerned, since they thought Sidestep was dead for years, but I still can’t help but feel a little smothered by it. It bothers me as much as it can bother Sidestep themself at certain points and I definitely enjoyed that option to tell them “it makes me hate you sometimes”.


See, I did that, and instead he cut my head off, was pretty bullshit honestly.

It did make for a rather poetic end to my character’s story, though: She never wanted to be a vampire, was turned against her will, resented everything the Masquerade stood for, and ultimately set the wheels in motion for the system to be torn down, capping it all off with her own very welcome demise, basically throwing vampirism away in favor of the void.

So, you know, thanks for that, at least, Julien.


They are a pain in the ass with that their protectiveness. There was big fight in Rebirth when MC and Ortega started yelling at each other because Ortega tried to meddle in MC’s life. Lol. I had fun reading this, honestly xD

I’m not even interested in romance with Ortega anymore (because of Herald)… But I still really like them. They are well written character.


I am Ortegas biggest hater.


I honestly forget there are people (or characters, if you don’t necessarily agree with that MC) who don’t want to be vampires. Utterly incomprehensible to me. Guess it’s nice that there’s some level of variety, like that my thoughts and way of playing aren’t the only way people do it, since sometimes I get stuck in my head with that (thinking things like “of course I pick [option], who wouldn’t?”


That’s exactly the reason I played that character the way I did, you almost NEVER see an anti-vampire character in VtM outside of the SI, and even anti-Masquerade characters are more like, “I hate the Camarilla, specifically,” and it tends to never go much further than that. I’m probably not the FIRST to do this, but I can pretty well guarantee I’m in the minority of VtM players.

Incidentally, I play a lot of these games as contrary as possible on the basis of how much “who wouldn’t want to x” comes into play in the narrative, but that’s a discussion for a different thread.


Luke…I’m your father. Now hang your head in shame!

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It was said before but it’s worth repeating that the point of this thread is just to express personal dislike, not to make some kind of ‘objective list’ of ROs you’d be wrong or bad for liking so don’t take what you see here to heart.


Yeah, I get it. :slightly_smiling_face: Besides, other people’s dislike somehow makes me love them even more. :grin:


Tosh abused Ronin in part 3

I completely forgot about Black Magic - I played that game while bored, waiting for a friend, borrowing his computer, and wasn’t all that into it. The fact that they looked like my main character’s celebrity crush made me so uncomfortable - that sort of wish fulfillment certainly isn’t for me.


I had Angelina Jolie…


Black Magic wasn’t a bad romance, its the way she was written that sucked.

A lot of things sucked in that game, which is a shame. It had so much potential.

Still…don’t regret drooling over Angelina Jolie Look alike :grin:


Angelina is a pretty woman! :smile: I actually don’t remember who I picked, I think it was kind of random.


You don’t say…Heartthrob babeh :wink:

Great now I got the song ‘Pretty woman’ stuck in my head too!

You! Bacchus! Now! :rofl:

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I cannot deny that! :wink:

Help! It’s contagious!

Bacchus! Now! :rofl:

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My dislike for black magic happen before we even meet the character themself, I don’t know about anybody else, but the fact that the author used a choice where the character input,s their celebrity crush as black magics appearance, just felt like sloppy writing to me. And as a blind player who relies on descriptive text to picture, everything, black magic, just felt like a filler character without much of an identity at first glance, and it only got worse from there.