I'm Sorry, But I Think We Should See Other People - ROs You Hate


Because the Ronin abuses poor baby Tosh T_T

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No, no, no, you didn’t specify it first, I’m telling Ava! Now she won’t let you feel her muscles :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The Ronin beats poor Tosh possible 4 times in a single book (3 are not even choice related, are plot related) who does not even fight back and always brace him/herself for the beating. The last beating happens just before they make love


pfff I’m so scared…Hang on Ortega Abs :stuck_out_tongue:

@Rinnegato I’m SO glad I dropped the game, it sounds like it is turning into Fetish Trash Fanfic. :rofl:

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I don’t even remember it :thinking: although I read the series and T was my favourite RO. Well, they was until they said they’d choose their old friend over MC. Which is fair, but it still pissed me off xD

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Voting Manerkol just for the name.

Dating a zombie be like that sometimes ig.


Welp, toshie still chooses the emperor over ronin, and the text pitfully doesnt give us the opportunity to stop intimate moment with tosh, plus ronin losses their nerves because toshi didnt tell them about the death sentence which “emperor” has sent


Movie date night with Quarie.

Also, what a rogue’s gallery in that poll above…though Black Magic all day, every day whenever I played Heroes Rise. :smiley: Jun/ko is certainly a worthy early lead.

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The worst ROs are the MCs we made along the way


That doesn’t justify what the Ronin does and it makes the choice Toshi chooses even more understandable. The Ronin is unstable and no matter how much Toshi loves them, and until they start getting better there’s no way they would choose them. Also they don’t love the Emperor romantically, they’re just their best friend from childhood and there’s nothing wrong with putting a platonic relationship over a romantic one.


To me, its more about trust,in that moment, Ronnin just got to know that toshi has kept hidden the Emperor’s order to execute them and immediately after this revelation , Tosh admits that they would choose the Emperor over ronin? I am not suprised that mentaly unstable Ronin has lost thier nerves. I still wish we could cut the relationship with Tosh after this. That would be healthier for both of them


They do tell you and they also tell you they believe it’s fake and that he didn’t send it. Something we saw in their own pov so we know they aren’t lying.


We are omnipotent readers, and we know the order was written by Emperor’s future wife. But neither Tosh and Ronin know about this right now


Toshi straight up says they believe it’s a fake because of the handwriting was right. You don’t need to be omnipotent for that. They’ve been getting Satsumas orders for a long time, they would know if it was fake or not. That’s why they believe that order wasn’t from him and do tell the Ronin this.

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Tosh has suspicions, but no evidence . Toshi states that they personally know emperator-kun and he has no reason to send that order. But this is only Toshi’s gut feeling and hope that this order is not real. Toshie cannot guarantee Ronin that this order is faked and Tosh still states that they would choose emperor


Who cares, they believe it’s fake and still tell the Ronin. The conversation was about you saying they don’t tell you, not about wether its real or not.

So what. Ronin is unstable and unreliable at the moment and has been for a while, the Ronin also ends up understanding this and is okay with Toshi not completely going all in with them until they get better. Toshi has already been beginning to doubt the Emperors decisions, so they’ll obviously one day give their all to the Ronin once they’re better.

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We were not able to decide, we could only watch as ronin reconciles with toshi and has an intimate moment with them, just right after the emotionally exhausting quarrel. And we cannot stop this, we are just observers
Based on what tosh said- toshi admits they are more loyal to the emperor, so if they had been sure of the authenticity of the sentence, they would not have sided with the ronin- they would choose their friend over the lover.

Toshi is not loyal to ronin because of their mental state, but because tosh was raised to serve the emperor. We players can accept this kind of relationship, or not. But ronnin must reunite with Tosh, whether we want it or not.


You two need a room…preferably in Samurai of Junko thread, move it there lol


Oh god, you are horrible i’ll pass :stuck_out_tongue: