I hope CoG NEVER goes into that dreadful n-f-t nonsense

It’s a faulty comparison still. I don’t have the exact numbers at hand but for the waste one nft and its costs produce you can make around 9000 wellmade tshirts or funkopops. Something along those numbers


Here is an article that deep dives into NFT collectables.

I am not getting involved in this discussion, other than to link this article.


@MeltingPenguins I’m not going to continue discussing this line either as it’s something I’ll leave to someone more familiar with the ins and outs of NFTs, however from the reading I did earlier today it does sound like there have been moves to reduce the energy required to generate them in some sectors, so if COG could get them made for what they’ve stated, that’s not 9000 shirts.

Also remember the other environmental costs, everything isn’t about energy so the overall environmental cost needs to be looked at. It’s quite possible that 1 shirt may cause more overall environmental damage than one NFT at the above rate, in fact I’d be almost sure of it. I’m not saying we should ban tshirt sales either, it’s just being mindful that almost everything has a cost and it’s not always as simple as calling one thing good and another bad.

(Plastic toys like funkopops are a whole new kettle of fish that I won’t dive into apart to say that they are appalling for the environment. At least they’re collectable so less likely to end up in landfill or the oceans within a few months of purchase, but plastics not only take energy to produce, but tend to be extremely environmentally persistent, cause a tonne of problems with wildlife, come with extra packaging that is usually discarded, are often not recyclable etc. There's A Huge Problem With Kids' Toys That No One's Talking About | HuffPost Impact
Environmentally Friendly Geekdom. Drowning in a Sea of Collectibles | by Kristina M. | Medium)


I’ve been a fan for a long time and have considered writing my own interactive story in choicescript but this is an absolute deal-breaker to me and I will no longer be supporting the company.


Hopefully the whole NFT Ponzi scheme will collapse before this comes to pass. It’s a terrible idea that hinges on recruiting new users in it with the hopes of cashing out before it collapses.


Dear author of that article…at least the tulips were (mostly) physical and far less widely environmentally destructive than crypto and NFT’s.


If you wish to talk in PM, we can, but I do not desire to be a part of this public discussion.


I would bit my tongue and doesn’t say what all of you could imagine. But when one let slip their principles and values for a chance of getting dirty, contaminated money in more ways than one…

Live enough to become a villain, I guess.


I mean, there’s like zero chances of NFTs becoming an economic bubble. This is only an issue on things people HAVE to participate in (like housing or the financial sector).

The issues are the environment (as you’ve pointed out), the incentivation of crypto (which is again bad for the environment and computer prices), and the promotion of art theft. (also, since it would funnel money away from commissions, it results in less art)


That is false. Collectables have been recurring part of bubbles. Mostly the stamps market and Art Gallery collection of middle XX.

Just first example,


Well what can I say we love our bubbles, but the postage stamp and art collector bubbles at least had something cute to them and weren’t widely environmentally destructive or contributing to the first energy crisis we’ve had since the oil shock crisis of the 1970’s. Aka before I was even born. :unamused:


That’s an abuse of my NFT’s! I’m gonna sue you into oblivion!

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Highkey annoyed I even opened this thread, I would’ve preferred to remain oblivious to this all tbh.

I love COG, but if NFT is the path they choose to follow, I can no longer support it.


I have perhaps not explained myself as clearly as I intended. It’s not that optional stuff can’t bubble and subsequently burst, it’s that those bursts don’t have the absolutely catastrophic effects of a necessity bubble bursting (ofc, a necessity bubble is incredibly damaging even BEFORE it bursts).

@MeltingPenguins I’m gonna be honest, I’m a whole lot more worried about the art theft it facilitates than people who buy NFTs getting screwed by the NFT process. Play stupid games…

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One would hope that they will let the community to vote on this, because if they decide they will do it i will no longer buy their games.


It’s fine to chime in with disapproval at the prospect, but I would urge the people talking about leaving for good or boycotting the company that this is a possible decision, not something that is already happening. Expressing disapproval in that situation is appropriate. But dang, tossing your affiliation with the whole company over the mere utterance of a possibility is an overreaction.


If Jason is a decent businessman he’ll drop the idea into the trash where it belongs.

@Jacic Are you really trying to defend it with the ‘but everything needs energy’ thing. Do you know how many logically fallacies that is in one? That’s not a good argument.

@hustlertwo y’know, the thing is I’d say for a lot of people this is the final straw.


ew. if cog really do nft i will not support it any more and will not continue to purchase the games. bye :raised_hand:


I mean, it’s a whole lot more productive than waiting until it’s happening and THEN going “well, I’m quitting then”. You draw lines in the sand BEFORE people step over where you’re drawing them, if you want them to be effective.


i have to agree with the general sentiment in this thread, i can’t in good conscience support a company that deals in NFTs and cryptocurrency.
what the staff do in their own time is no business of mine, but i do really hope this line of thinking is dropped before it comes to fruition in any way.

i understand wanting to give back to the artists but there are better avenues for doing so. NFT’s are a scam by and for the unfathomably rich.

i also just find that it would be incredibly disingenuous for a “progressive” brand to deal in crypto knowing full well the environmental impact of it :confused: