How to publish

Does anyone know how to puplish an unfinished game
I am planning to make my first game
But I don’t know how to communicate with players or receive requests or ideas


Hi! Welcome to the community. The best bet is to take your story and put it on a website like Dashingdon so that people can read it, then make a thread on this forum with a link to it and a description of what the story is. That’s how you get reader feedback. You can do it before the story is finished (in fact, most do) or wait until you are done. After you feel you have enough feedback and are ready to publish it, you’ll reach out to the company itself and they’ll take you through all the files and images required. Then your story goes into the publication queue once approved to wait for the next available date. That’s a bit of a simplistic runthrough but I think it covers all the bases.

Dashingdon link:

How to make a link for my game

Once you have uploaded your files (startup.txt, choicescript_stat.txt, and probably at least one scene file) you can just copy the address your browser shows you and post it as the link to your game.

I will look something like;[authorname]/[name of_your_game]/mygame/ for dashingdon.
Without the brackets and with your accounts and game name, of course.

You can get that link by choosing to playtest your game on your dashingdon account’s dashboard.