How to lower stats within the game

Yes, I know how to raise them:

*set hunting +5

But when I tried to lower them by doing

*set hunting -5

It didn’t work. Can someone please tell me how to do it?

I remember you, and that looks right my friend. I would double, triple check my work if I was you.

Was it lowering the stat beneath 0?

*set +/- should always work. If you are having a problem I would do a simple test

Test ${hunting}
*set hunting +5
Test ${hunting}
*set hunting -5
Test ${hunting}

This way you know it is working fine. Then you need to search the code to find where the problem lies. It tends to be something simple more times then not. A missed * or misspelled. It tends to look me in the face when I make those kinds of mistakes lol. If still having problems please post the code you are using.

It seems to be working now, thanks. I don’t know what was wrong with it before.