How many times do you play through a CS game?

That’s interesting–why do love plot branches pull you to replay most (as opposed to non-love plot branches?)


See, I would say I play it over and over for the romances, but I can’t because im like; “This time I’ll romance someone else!”
picks same person with the literal same choices it’s awful, but I still enjoy it :sweat_smile:
Mostly I think because( I don’t mean I be scientific or sad) even though they are fake, you get huge dopamine (happy horomone) releases, and being single that multiples it tenfold for me. It’s kinda like why we watch or read romance novels. Love makes us happy.


It depends on the game for me. Some games I play through once or twice and that’s it, that’s my canon. Others I keep going through and replaying, usually just for achievements but sometimes I just want to make a new character with new stats, motivations, etc… One good example for the latter is the Lost Heir series; I’ve replayed those two games at least a dozen of times, most of the time with a new character.

A good example for the former would be A Study in Steampunk; despite lacking the amount of stats that Lost Heir has which means I’m rather limited in how I want to play my character, it has a boatload of achievements, not to mention a great story with interesting paths to follow… I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve unlocked all achievements save four or five out the fifty or so in the game.

Others lack replayability to me. My biggest gripe with the Heroes Rise series and even more so with Fatehaven was that, in the end, it was always the same story. The only things that really changed if you went for a new playthrough was probably just going to be who you romance and maybe you might change your stats or name. In the end, it’s still the same story with only a few changes, and sometimes even those don’t matter much. I do love both games, however.

Most of the time if I want to replay a game, I just replay it with the exact same character, but this time I look out for things I might’ve missed in my first run of the game (though not a CoG game, a good example would be King’s Quest 2015; Graham picks up a bow from a skeleton when facing off against the dragon in the prologue, and when I replayed the game I realized the skeleton was Achaka). Occasionally I romance someone new or make better choices than the ones I made in my first run.

Anyway, those are my two cents.