Number of replays varies widely for me, but I’m more likely to replay based on how much I like the story than how replayable I feel a game is (although both are factors). I’ll play through once for a game I don’t particularly enjoy, probably three times for a game I like, and maybe ten for a game I really love, sometimes over the course of a few years.
I’m also a code-diver. I’m more likely to look at code if I really enjoy a particular character or a scene, and I want to see all the instances of the character, or permutations of the scene, without playing through the entire game several times. I think I’ve done that in about eight CoG/HG titles, total.
And if I die, particularly if there aren’t return-to-chapter-opening options, and I didn’t really love the game, that will probably be my canon run and my final playthrough. Again, it’s more of time constraints than anything else—and in a lot of games, if I’ve died once, I’ll probably die again before I make it to the end so I don’t replay unless I really liked the game.
Lots of blathery specifics, if anyone is curious:
Of the games currently published by CoG and Hosted Games, I’ve replayed probably about half of them (I’ve played all of them at least once save two). If I don’t particularly like the story, I don’t re-read it, even if it’s a ‘good’ game, or extremely replayable…there are so many books and games out there, after all.
When I like a game, I’ll probably play it about three times. I generally like to try variations of pacifist routes, unless I’m beta testing and then I try to get more creative. (And I try to play games at least three times when I’m beta testing, even if I really don’t care for them.) My first run-through of a game will always be ‘can I get through this without the game making me hurt anyone or me dying’ though!
Some of the simpler games (Dragon, Starship Captain), I’ve replayed several times but over the course of years, often when roping other people into trying IF. Or sometimes just because they’re fun.
The games I’ve really loved, which include Deathless, Lost Heir II (specifically the second one), and Metahuman, I’ve played ten or even a dozen times. I enjoy the story, setting, and characters enough to want to mess about experimenting in the world for as long as possible.
There are also a few games I love (Steampunk, Tin Star, Broadsides) that I haven’t replayed more than once or twice either due to time constraints and their length, or because the first play-through was, to my mind, a perfect story, and the second and third were just to iron out the rough edges or try one portion a bit differently.
Overall I’m definitely a story-reader, not really a gamer, insofar as IF goes. Spoiler for LH II: For instance, I much prefer the ‘loss’ ending in that game than the ‘win’ one. It suits my characters better most of the time, and I also thought it made for a more interesting story. I have no desire to have wonderful stats or massively powerful protagonists; I more enjoy exploring the story from different angles, whether I win or lose.