How does a reader save?

sorry for asking… i have many stories, each would be in the excess of 10 hours to complete, how does the reader save their progress? on sugarcube the save system is built-in ready to go - how does choicescript go about it in 2024? cheers

There are two options.

Either the official way

again, thanks for the quick reply…

Built-in Save System: You can use the built-in save system by adding a simple line of code in your startup.txt file. Just include:
*sm_init [name_of_your_game] | [number_of_save_slots]
This will initialize the save system with the specified number of save slots.
ChoiceScript Save Plugin: For more advanced control, you can use the ChoiceScript Save Plugin. This plugin allows for persistent (hard) saves and provides a quick save menu similar to visual novels. You can find the plugin and detailed installation instructions on GitHub.