How do i make choice require stat?

Hey, it’s me again xD
Ok, so what i want to do is this:

Walking: 40%

# I walk over there
You failed because you needed 60% walking

Walking: 60%

# I walk over there
 Success! You walked over there!

But i couldn’t find any guide for this.

First make the stat (whatever way you want it doesn’t matter, just using *temp as an example):

*temp walking 40

Then use this as your *choice:

  #I walk over there.
    *if walking >= 60
      Success! You walked over there!
      *goto somewhere
      You failed because you needed 60% walking
      *goto somewhere_else

You are a god. Thank you!

Can i just ask, why do i need *temp there?

Oh, that was just so you could copy and paste the code and it will work. You’d normally have the walking stat tracked and changes however before doing that.

There, some clarification.

Oh, ok :slight_smile: Thanks for the help.