How can I uplade my Text Files to my Game on Cogdemos?

Hey evry one, I have some Questions.
How can I uplode my Text Files to my Game on Cogedimos.Ink?
And can any one please tell me how can I find Games fore Hostedgames and in Choicescript on Itch.IO?
Thank you so much fore any help I will get from you.

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I assume you have the game already set up? If so, follow the instructions below:

Hope that helps!


I will try it out later thank u. But it seems very helpful.

I tried but unfortunately it didn’t work. As a blind person I suppose it’s hard. The screen reader I use can’t read images or pictures/graphics.
I hope it will be available in the future for blind people and screen readers like Dashindong.
Because I’m working on a whole new project now but I’m trying to learn Javascript and Choicescript.
I would be more than happy if Cogdimos.Ink could be available for blind people and screen readers.
I hope no one misunderstands me because I don’t mean that or any offense.
On the contrary I really appreciate the work the management is doing and I wish them a lot of success and good luck but it’s just my opinion and wish.


Just to clarify, the screenreader isn’t working for the dashboard?

I’ve asked the dev to look into it, and we found the games themselves work with screenreaders, but the stats pages do not, so he’s trying to work on that. If the dashboard doesn’t work, either, I’ll ask him to look into that as well. I’m working on getting a screenreader-friendly view for the list of public games. I had peeked at dashingdon and saw the format of it. I just need a chance to work on it.

And don’t worry, no offense! I’d like to get this working for blind or low vision users. :slight_smile:


Thank you very much, I’m really happy to hear that and I’m 100% sure you all will do a good job as always. And yes, the dashboard doesn’t work well and some poblick games work well with the screen reader, but if you work on it too then I’m sure everything will work fine in the future.

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