Honor Bound: Creme de la Creme 4—Protect a boarding school as a military bodyguard! [OUT NOW]

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This is an oversight that I didn’t consider at the time when I was writing, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to make the game reactive to it. It would make the coding of the scene more complicated (and it’s already pretty branched and complicated) and I’d need to also do something about Delacroix’s presence as they can be captured in Creme as well - but in HB Delacroix is always there and I’d need to make some big changes to the scene to account for it.

If I’d realised about that branch at the time, I’d have done it differently but I feel OK with the idea that the captured classmate could have been set loose in some way and sworn to secrecy in a way that still maintains a Creme PC’s “innocent” facade. It’s been many years since it happened in-universe and if Westerlind aristocrats are good at anything, it’s at sweeping things under the rug.


Hi folks! Quick question: the description for Denario says “Denario Vecoli, age matches the PC: a down-on-his luck former friend - it’s complicated (cis man)” - does this mean that friendship is complicated? Or that the MC is forced into having a romantic relationship with this guy in past or present? Sorry, English isn’t my first language, so I’m puzzled with this description.

It’s a friendship that can be complicated in a variety of ways, but you’re definitely not forced into a romance.

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The MC isn’t forced into anything romantic with Denario, past or present :slightly_smiling_face:

There was always a point in the past in which you were close friends, but you can choose a variety of interactions that you had in the past (including positive, negative, romantic, yearning, etc).

In the present, you can interact with him in a variety of ways and you’re not restricted by any choices you made about your past with him.

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Thank you both for clarifying!