A bit of backstory: having started the Crème series this year, I’ve become a fan of your writing, and so I’ve been wanting to read Honor Bound for so long, but didn’t have time because I had too much work lately.
Although I took a quick peek at the first chapter during work, and it instantly gave me several ideas for the types of characters I want to play; I basically already came up with four MCs in my head without even properly reading it once - that’s how inspiring this book is! Thinking about this helped me to survive long and boring work hours, haha. And now I was finally able to play it.
… And I enjoyed it so much! I mean, I didn’t expect less from you.
I really loved all ROs – they are so charming in different ways. I loved being military officer and a bodyguard (which tbh I didn’t expect to like quite as much), loved choosing different ages for the MC (and age gap romances as a result of that), and having an injury. Catarina is lovely, and I adore other students as well - such a characterful group of people. I live for the drama between Catarina and Simone, and I’m curious to see if they will make up in the end. And, of course, all the animals! 
I’m glad we get to explore more serious and heavy topics in this book. Developing chemical warfare in a secret basement?! I didn’t expect doing that, but I’m intrigued. The latest chapter in the demo was really gripping – I love seeing MC and the crew being so capable and badass while helping everyone. MC getting to show off years of their experience (especially if playing an older MC) was really satisfying. By the way, I appreciate that we can improve our skills later in the story, as opposed to how it was in previous books. And then the MC collapses…
I wonder how many people deliberately sabotaged their character’s health for more drama and hurt/comfort moments – I definitely guilty of that!
I have too many thoughts to express them all properly – the WIP demo is already so long, and it’s not even the whole book yet, but I’m very excited for Honor Bound if you can’t already tell.
Congratulations on your progress and finishing the draft!
You said it’s okay to give feedback until the beta testing starts, so here are some things I’ve spotted (apologies if you’ve fixed them already, which is very likely at this point.)
Shouldn’t it simply be “I’m in my forties”, since MC can be up to 49?
These two are swapped around (however after choosing them, stats change correctly)
Wrong eye colour
Something is missing
I think a more neutral option is missing here. Something to fit a more calm and collected sort of MC, without being intimidated/impressed/attracted towards Varenn or feeling uncomfortable.
Continuity error 1. In chapter 5 it says this:
But Raffi mentioned his full name in front of Savarel in chapter 3 (and Tedesco spoke his name in front of everyone in chapter 2 as well). Unless “introduce himself” means something else and I misunderstood.
Continuity error 2. From chapter 5:
But Lavinia did mentioned Lucian to MC before:
The last one I need to explain. I play my character as callous, but in a more pragmatic and ruthless, rather than self-interested way. I never choose options to impress anyone and stuff like that. When Raffi was giving Simone special treatment, I chose to test objective:
But what my character said after that doesn’t fit the way I play him, because it’s really self-focused. In case my interpretation of callous trait for this character is incorrect, I feel like it also doesn’t fit objective attitude that it tests.
With objective attitude you “deal with problems in an impersonal way”, but saying “I’ll be in trouble” seem very personal to me in this context. Also Catarina at this point wasn’t bothered by special treatment, so it’s not an objective observation either. The humane version is much more objective:
“You’re giving Simone special treatment,” you say. “Is that wise? Surely the other students deserve a break too, if she does.”
I think having the same text but changing the last part “surely the other students deserve a break too, if she does” could work a little better. Perhaps something similar to “If other students start complaining, it could cause problems”. It’s less humane, but still objective, I think.