Highlands, Deep Waters [Released]

I keep getting a 404 error when I try to do something after i go to the hotel after finding Ewan


We are trying to locate and fix these 404 erros as we play and revise the .txts, and we hope to get rid of them all soon. We’ll fix this one ASAP

BTW, I’d recommend you to save your progress as often as you can to avoid losing your story

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Thank you, I’m really liking the story so far


Sorry about that. Can you describe more precisely where the error occurred? Perhaps a word from the last scene you were in before the bug or a more detailed description of what you did in the last part. It is after facing Ewan, right?

From what I can gather, there seems to be a problem with proper capitalization of words in the code regarding the dashingdon’s host(I think it makes sense in HTML logic): While locally I experience no such problem while testing and the game passes both the quicktest and the randomtest, if the code is written in a different manner than the exact capitalization used in the name of the .txt, the host cannot find it.

I have to manually find these spots and fix them. It gets kinda tricky because it seems to happen in an arbitrary way: there are reports of people who manage to get to Chapter 2 without a problem and I have no idea why.

I’m looking at the first hotel hub from Chapter 2 and all the scenes seem to be correctly named.

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I got the same error when i went to hotel and called the buddy

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One place is where you walk around and an old lady is looking at your room and all of the options seem to give errors at some point

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Was it during Chapter One? Before or after reaching Invernock?

And this might sound stupid, but have any of you tried to refresh the browser? Who knows, perhaps that could work :sweat_smile:

I tried to refresh but i’ll check again

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I checked and it didn’t help, I even tried to pick all the options with the old lady and sometimes you can get further, but only by one scene

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Ok, I think the first theory was correct. The problems you both are describing are located in *goto_scenes that mention .txts with wrong capitalization.

I’m going to manually fix them right now and then I will go over every file and fix it. Sorry that you people had to experience that, but I believe it will be fixed right away. I will edit this post when I do it.

EDIT: It should be working now. I checked all the files and uploaded them to dashingdon’s host. If the problem persists, I think you’ll have to start a new game from an anonymous browser or clear your cache before playing the game again(this could ruin your save, though)


Ok I got to the part of the deduction where you have to put in the names of Ewan’s two victims and I can’t remember the other one, or I mispronounced the name?. Can you help with this one, or put some hint in the game cause I’m not able to go on if I don’t write the correct name… :cold_sweat::slight_smile:

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One is Cassandra Doran(or just Cassandra) and the other one is Elizabeth Allanach (she is supposedly mentioned on one of the files Alexander gives you and in Ewan’s notebook)

Either way, you should be able to skip that part if you don’t know the name (it’s not supposed to be obligatory to get everything right), so I might have forgotten to make it “skippable”. Thanks for the heads up.

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Thanks :slight_smile: Btw when i finished deduction part, i found an error when you chose one of these options:

After I clicked it and got the score from deduction, it immediately returned to this part:

And when i choose “Perform your final deductions” option again, it goes in circles, like some infinite loop.


You shouldn’t be able to perform the final deductions more than once… we’ll fix that. However, I think you can go for the other options until enough time passes for the “Go to the ritual” choice become available. This choice is invisible now, but we’ll make it unselectable instead - so the player can assume that this will eventually continue the story.

Alternatively, try to make your character sleep once or twice. That also should do the trick


As Nerull said, you shouldn’t be able to perform the final deductions more than once, so that’s a bug in itself.

While checking this I noticed that none of the options on this “hub” were getting you tired, so I fixed that.

The way this should work is like this: You have 2~3 days until the ritual and you can do up to 3 actions per day, then you can rest. So you need to rest at least 2 times until the final option appears.

Either way, I’m uploading the changes right now, I hope it fixes the problem. Thank you for the reports!


Wow, this developed quickly. Nicely done.


I have recently received a report outside of the forum about a bug that was letting you “jump” between chapters at some specific situations(specially when calling someone). There was a typo that was making you go either to chapter 2 or to the interlude without previously reaching Ewan, out of nowhere.

It got fixed now and I have uploaded it on the host. I advise anyone who had played before to restart the game and check if it displays “(version 1.1)” or above on the title screen just to be sure you are playing the right one.

(if it doesn’t appear, try deleting your browse history or opening in a incognito tab)


Very good work, this was quite interesting can’t believe it was finished so quickly.




Indeed we have been working on the project continuously since the idea first came up. We had to abandon a lot of our ideas simply because the game was too big already and this was supposed to be a “short first game” that would make us comfortable enough with the language. It kept growing and growing, and while there certainly is room for improvement and we won’t stop updating the game, we still want to start other projects as well.

moderators Is there any way that I can edit the contents of the first post on the topic? (Sorry to contact you this way but I wasn’t able to find out where the option to flag the post was)

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Should be editable now. And yeah this is one of those situations where tagging us, instead of flagging something, is appropriate. :slight_smile: It’s not a case of don’t tag us, it’s a case of don’t tag when it should be a flag.