High School Revenge (WIP) (Partial Chapter 4 Release, Jun 10, 2024)

@love4tae Yeah, that part was very wordy haha. I fixed it now, should sound better overall :+1:

@Lord_Hezam I wouldnā€™t call it a masterpiece yet but thank you very much haha

@Paulo I mean, it wouldnā€™t be that hard to add a line :face_with_monocle: Sure, when I have time I might add a funny comment if you chose a similar look to someone. Maybe Isaac can call you his third twin or something haha

@Suryaansh_mokta Yeah, I just realized I should have made some explanations for what all the relationships mean. So, for the targets, we have these from best to worst:

  • Devoted
  • Intimate
  • Friendly
  • Intrigued
  • Indifferent
  • Distrustful
  • Antipathic
  • Antagonistic

And for the allies we have:

  • Devoted
  • Loyal
  • Supportive
  • Discontent
  • Disloyal

The relationships go from 0 to 100 and those terms describe kinda where you are on this scale. I though seeing the percentages can be very cheesy, since you can check each time if the relationship stat went up or down, so I decided to go with this. One of the mentors gives you the skills to see if people like or dislike what you said, so I thought that seeing it in the stat screen would make that father worthless. Iā€™ll probably make a separate page in the stat screen explaining the relationship ranks.

For most of the story those ranks will usually decide what reactions the characters have, so it will be more useful than numbers that most wonā€™t understand if theyā€™re good or not. At least, thatā€™s what I hope haha


demo was great i havenā€™t been this excited about a wip for quite some time!


Played the demo some months ago and I thought it was too good to be abandoned, happy to see you resume it. Itā€™s still just an intro, but very promising, I like the characters and I really want the revenge plot to take off. And I love the concept of taking habilities from the stepfathers, Iā€™d definitively like to know more about them.
Good work. Iā€™ll wait for updates.


About that, will we get to learn more about the other fathers, or just the one we chose as our mentor?

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Can you take revenge by becoming a killer?

pumped up kicks starts playing :skull:


About that, will we get to learn more about the other fathers, or just the one we chose as our mentor?

I donā€™t know if itā€™s been mentioned before, but I canā€™t really look through 400+ comments to check, oof.

If you pick the option to transition regardless of the reason for doing it, giving the option to change your name would probably be a pretty good idea. A girl named Caspar, Mike, George, etc. Isnā€™t really going to blend in all that well. It would, and probably should raise some eyebrows.


Given that it takes place in a Modern/realistic setting, probably not.

Although a slasher story sounds pretty cool, Iā€™d doubt that COG allows that kind of stuff.

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@attis @OCMC Thank you for the kind words :blush:

@AnneWest The other fathers will have some moments to shine, but they will mostly just exist as ā€œmemoriesā€ that the MC will recall, as jokes or references that our character will use. Considering how many important characters we already have, I donā€™t really want to give the 8 stepfathers too much importance. Still, Iā€™m more of a in-the-moment kind of writer, so weā€™ll see if I change my mind.

@wraithmaster20 No, we donā€™t kill anyone. However, there might be a moment in the story that something very very bad can happen to a character and our MC might have a hand in it. Iā€™m not going to spoil anything but will just hint that weā€™re more of a manipulator, not a fighter.

@Cyphr Yeah, that makes total sense. I have no idea why I didnā€™t consider this before. Iā€™ll add the option to change the name when I release the new update!


Ahā€¦ I expected as much about the kill question. Part of me suspected this to be something more like T@gged kind of revenge. Donā€™t mind it either way, as long as I get the choice whether I want to reveal myself in some evil monologue or not,


This is a really fun story so far! My targets better be ready because Iā€™m gonna ruin some lives :smiling_imp:ā€¦ Is what I would say but I feel kinda bad because they mostly seem nice now lol


Everyday I have to see that stupid 7-1.


I love that weā€™re about to wreak some havoc and them our mom is (still) supportive.


Rubs hands together evilly and practices maniacal laugh. Revenge, will be mine!

Seriously though, great update.


Hello! :wave:

So, the original post just reached 500 likes, which I think itā€™s huge, and I wanted to thank you all for reading (or re-reading) High School Revenge. I love all the feedback Iā€™ve been getting and I canā€™t wait for you to see what Iā€™ve got in store for chapter 4! Iā€™m already working on it and Iā€™ll give the first update on how itā€™s going in a few days. I also wanted to say that all of the things you guys have suggested so far have been added to a to do list, which Iā€™ll also share with the update, so you can see what I plan to change.

In the meantime, I was curious who is your favorite RO so far? Who do you think is the most interesting out of the bunch from the brief interactions?

  • Dylan
  • Olivia
  • Michael
  • Cecily
  • Isaac
  • Vivian
  • Connor
  • Haley
  • Angela
  • Marcus
0 voters

Hot damn, been gone for a while and I come to see all my bookmarks are getting updates! Huzzah!


what does the (F) mean?

I think that means he can only be romanced by female MCā€™s. Likewise with Vivian I think she can only be romanced by male MCā€™s


Weekly Update

Hello people! Itā€™s almost been a week since Iā€™ve revived High School Revenge and released chapter 3, so I think itā€™s time for an update. I think Iā€™ll probably do these weekly updates every Saturday, if you guys also agree to that.

So, letā€™s start with the most important news, Iā€™ve already started working on chapter 4. For most of these week Iā€™ve worked on figuring out how to do a random event based mechanic. The way I want chapter 4 and most of the chapters that follow to work is that players will get to choose what they want to do every week (for example work on their skills, attend a special event they discovered before, get a new ally, etc.), after witnessing the effects of their choice, they will also get a random event (for example, MC stumbles into two targets talking something private, random target invites you out for a date, etc.). The random event can be a relationship milestone event (for reaching a certain relationship level with a character), a hobby event (a significant moment for a club due to skill increase), or a pure random scene that has nothing to do with previous choices.

During these weeks you can also send Burt on stalking missions. The first thing he will do is build profiles for the targets, which will appear as special pages in the stat screen with information about the targets. Using the special Burt portfolio you can get hints as to what the targets like and dislike, allowing you to choose better options in dialogue options that they might like more. Once Burtā€™s built a profile for someone, he can then stalk them to start getting clues that can be used in a revenge plan.

Right now chapter 4 has 4k words written, as Iā€™ve only had time to write one random event where you get to play 2 truths 1 lie with Isaac, Cecily, Michael, and Vivian. Finishing this chapter is going to take a while, considering how many events Iā€™ll have to write, but I hope the result will be worth it.

I also have a to do list now of things I want to change to the first three chapters, but Iā€™ll start working on those next week. Iā€™ll also probably release the updated versions of the old chapters on my Patreon first, so those will come one month later here.

Should I post weekly updates on the forum as well or should I just post them on Tumblr/Patreon/Discord?

  • Post Weekly Updates on Forum
  • Donā€™t Clog the Forum with Weekly Updates
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Thank you for the support and I hope I can prove that I am truly back to finish this thing!