Hiding stat pages

So. I’m looking into something, where in the stats page, I hide the descriptions of the RO’s, till their descriptions come up in the story. I am just a little unsure on how to go about it. Would *selectible_ifs work? I was thinking of putting each RO’s desc in a seperet goto/lable, with a bunch of *ifs. Has anyone else done something like this, who could give me some ideas? Don’t want to go digging around my stats_page, and break anything, since am currently dealing with re-writeing my book, basicly.
Anyway, yeah.

*create metRO1 false
*create metRO2 false
*create metRO3 false

*if metRO1 = true
         RO description is displayed if metRO1 variable is true.
*if metRO2 = true
         RO description is displayed if metRO2 variable is true.
*if metRO3 = true
         RO description is displayed if metRO3 variable is true.


*create metRO1 false
*create metRO2 false
*create metRO3 false

*label character_review

Which character would you like to review?
          *selectable_if (metRO1 = true) #RO1.
                   *goto RO1_desc
          *selectable_if (metRO2 = true) #RO2.
                   *goto RO2_desc
          *selectable_if (metRO3 = true) #RO3.
                   *goto RO3_desc
          #Go back to the stats screen.
                   *goto main_stats

*label RO1_desc

RO description goes here.

*goto character_review

*label RO2_desc

RO description goes here.

*goto character_review

*label RO3_desc

RO description goes here.

*goto character_review

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