

Do debugstats=stats so it dosent give you any problems.


so i just write Examplestat: false under the debugstats nothing else just write that cause that gives me an error

Don’t! Under debugstats write: debugstats=stats
That’s it it accounts for all the variables in the stats part of mygame.js

And write the variable and then false not the words examplestat:false. If the : dosent work replace it with a = sign.

and i write Examplestat: false under that?

No Write your variables and include the James=false, variable to define it, you don’t need anything else, I was just using examplestat as an example.

a = sign so i just copy and paste that
and ignore the last comment

oh ok

still gives an error

Let me show you

James = false



And if all else fails go look at the dev Wiki.

i can’t find it in wiki

ok here is wat i have for the stat scene :

This is a stats screen!

  text members
\*if members = "james"
  \*create james
  percent james

is that right?

Go look on threads then.

is that right the stats?

Take out the create.

still get an error here is mygame.js file i just copied the stats part the only part i made changes to:

// Specify the default starting stats here

stats = {
   members: "none"
   james: false

// Specify the stats to use in debug mode

debugStats = {
// or just use defaults
// debugStats = stats