
omg i am about to faint i just did something big i am turning into a pro coder :smiley: i am not joking iam about frekin faint

Well spill! Whaddidja do?

it din’t work :frowning: i was mistaken but i will keep trying to do it :smiley:

ok need help is there a way to create a stat so like

text members
\*if members = james
  \*create percent james

help plz

so like is there a way for a new stat to appear if a member joins

Yes. If you make a *if condition to create a seperate start chart to my knowledge.

do u know exactly how to do it?

i know that much all ready i have also learned u also use the create command but i don’t know how to give it a percent

You make a *if condition then under that a *stat_chart command and create the stat chart that you want dependent on the condition.

so is this wat i do? :

  text members
\*if members = "james"
  \*create james
  percent james

Take out The create command. Just define it in mygame.js as a Boolean so you can turn it on or off by using the *if command.

wat how do i do that? how do i define it as boolean?

Just do
Examplestat: false

wat where in mygame.js do i write that?

Or at least that’s what I remember…

With the other variables.

well i’ll try it but where do i write that?

ok so i just write examplestat: false

in the degub stats or the stats