Help with Choicescript if and variables

I need help with some *if and variables
Basically what i have is

#Coffee seems like the only fuel you can consume here, I'll take it.
    *temp var "Coffee"
    *goto intro
  #Tea helps me calm down, I'll have a cup of it.
    *temp var "Tea"
    *goto intro
  #Water. Need to be hydrated.
    *goto intro
    *temp var "Water"
  #Nothing really.
    *temp var "Nothing"
    *goto intro

And then i later on i have:

*if var = "Coffee"

Coffee has come.
*goto questions

*if var = "Tea"

Tea has come.
*goto questions

*if var = "Water"

Water has come.
*goto questions

*if var = "Nothing"

Nothing has come.
*goto questions

But when i test it out it appears an error like ā€œinvalid indent, expected at least one line in ā€˜ifā€™ true blockā€

Can someone help me out?

You can do this:

   #Coffee seems like the only fuel you can consume here, I'll take it.
      Coffee has come.
      *goto questions
   #Tea helps me calm down, I'll have a cup of it.
      Tea has come.
      *goto questions
   #Water. Need to be hydrated.
      Water has come.
      *goto questions
   #Nothing really.
      Nothing has come.
      *goto questions

If you could copy the entire context of this bit, we could help further. but in short:
is a command if you need a variable only for one scene.
For example:

*temp drink ""
What do you want to drink?
   #Coffee seems like the only fuel you can consume here, I'll take it.
      *set drink "coffee"
      *goto questions
   #Tea helps me calm down, I'll have a cup of it.
      *set drink "tea"
      *goto questions
   #Water. Need to be hydrated.
      *set drink "water"
      *goto questions
   #Nothing really.
      *set drink "nothing"
      *goto questions

*label questions
@{(drink = "nothing") You don't drink anything.| You drink ${drink}.}

The bit with the @ is multireplace, allowing to have multiple variants of a sentence without doing *if

Okay iā€™ll try it!
I feel like the second one might work better because in the middle of choosing a drink and getting the drink there is a scene that takes place. But i think i know how to fix it now.
Thank you!

It depends:
does the drink come up at another time in the same scene?
If not you donā€™t need to make it a variable.

Yes it does. And the attitude of the character also changes depending on the drink.

Ahh. alright. Yeah, then the second works better probably. You could also combine things like this:

*temp drink ""
What do you want to drink?
   #Coffee seems like the only fuel you can consume here, I'll take it.
      You drink coffee.
      *set drink "coffee"
      *goto questions
   #Tea helps me calm down, I'll have a cup of it.
      You drink tea.
      *set drink "tea"
      *goto questions
   #Water. Need to be hydrated.
      You drink water.
      *set drink "water"
      *goto questions
   #Nothing really.
      You drink nothing.
      *set drink "nothing"
      *goto questions

*label questions

Yeah okay, thank you so much for the help!
I think i managed thanks to you, iā€™ll update this if i keep having problems. :smiley:

Godspeed to you :smiley:

Okay having the same message though i still donā€™t know why.

My code is this:

*if drink = "coffee" 
You take a sip from your coffee.
*goto questions

*if drink = "tea" 
You take a sip from your tea.
*goto questions

*if drink = "water"
You take a gulp from your water.
*goto questions

*if drink = "nothing" 
You stand there.
*label questions

But when the drink is coffee it works well, but the rest of the drinks it goes into the same error.

It might be that you need an indentation after every *if line? I canā€™t tell if itā€™s just that itā€™s hard to indent on the forum or if you arenā€™t indenting in the code. I can see you have indentations on the first block of code example you put in, but not the second.

No i understood you.
And i did it.
It actually worked!
Thank you for the help!
Iā€™ll keep updating if i have more problems.

you donā€™t need and *if statement in this case.
*if and its siblings are more for stuff like this:

      *if (rival = "Walter")
      You should be aware that this is the game that will have you face Walter.
      *goto game1
      At least you won't face your rival in this.
      *goto game1
      *if (rival = "Hank")
      You should be aware that this is the game that will have you face Hank.
      *goto game1
      At least you won't face your rival in this.
      *goto game1

Sorry, since iā€™m kind of new to this.
But i get what you mean. Thank you for the help!

No worries :slight_smile:
Oh, also thereā€™s

goes like this:

*if (possibility 1)
   *goto more
*elseif (possibility 2)
   *goto more
   *goto more

*else covers the variables not used for if/elseif in that body

That might be useful later on.
Thank you once again!

Okay one more problem.
Iā€™m sorry for being such an amateur about this.

*if drink = "tea" 
  You sip the tea.
  *goto questions

*if drink = "water"
  You sip the water.
  *goto questions

Now the tea works well and all, but the water one doesnā€™t show the ā€œyou sip the waterā€ part. It just goes to the label questions.

Try this:

*if drink = "tea" 
  You sip the tea.
  *goto questions
*elseif drink = "water"
  You sip the water.
  *goto questions
*elseif drink = "coffee" 
  You sip the tea.
  *goto questions
  You drink nothing.
  *goto questions

But as said, having an if/elseif/else seems unnecessary here from what I can see.

   #Coffee seems like the only fuel you can consume here, I'll take it.
      You drink coffee.
      *set drink "coffee"
      *goto questions
   #Tea helps me calm down, I'll have a cup of it.
      You drink tea.
      *set drink "tea"
      *goto questions
   #Water. Need to be hydrated.
      You drink water.
      *set drink "water"
      *goto questions
   #Nothing really.
      You drink nothing.
      *set drink "nothing"
      *goto questions

will do the trick at this bit as well.
if/elseif/else should only come into play once the text differs greatly further down the line.


*if ((drink = "tea") or (drink = "coffee"))
   You spill the ${drink} over Hank. He screams. Bloody Hell that must have been hot.
   *goto whoops
*elseif (drink = "water")
   You spill the ${water} over Hank. Whoops.
   *goto whoops
   *goto nowhoops
*if drink = "coffee" 
  You drink the coffee.
  *goto questions

*elseif drink = "tea" 
  You sip the tea. 
  *goto questions

*elseif drink = "water"
  You sip the water. 
  *goto questions

  You stand there.
  *goto questions

Thatā€™s what i put. But now if i choose water, it shows the ā€œnothingā€ result.

ah bother, my mistake.
add () around the variables. like
*if (drink = ā€œwaterā€)

Oooh okay, let me seeā€¦