
@ADNox That is pure css for the color and layout. The face is an animated icon.

Freaky oO

Lol @CJW

Yeh, I know how to do the icon, but what did you use to invert the colors in style.css?


Yes for black #000000 and white #ffffff

I see the color codes for the stats bar, but not the main background or font. Oh well.

Ive been dying for someone to ask a question like that let me school ya! #00000 corresponds with rgb(Red, Green, Blue) the higher the first two numbers the more red is going to show, the higher the middle two the higher the green, the higher the last 2 the higher the blue you can also put in letters like C and F and I think B letters still elude me but F is the max pretty much

Just look at my CSS file you can com pair and see where I made the changes.

You forgot about A @2Ton
That corresponds to opacity.

#000000 doesnt incorperate Alpha from what ive seen, so I purposely left it out it would be weird to tell someone about something im pretty sure cant be used in that way

True, but I noticed alpha alot in the game CSS files so I though I’d bring it up.

@lordirishdas Thank you for bringing back my fears of dolls, clowns, and other things associated with children.

@trollhunterthethird I am always happy to help someone reconnect with their fears. It gives me great pleasure to know I could help reclair any lost childhood fears. I am only to happy to help. :slight_smile:

@lordirishdas Thanks, I guess.
