Could somebody tell me how to do the various formatting when posting something in a thread? I know you can insert images and put text in a box, but i can never remember how to do it for very long, and I’m pretty sure theres other things you can do that i dont know about. Also, it would be nice if some kind of guide for this could be stuck on the top of the page along with the other threads that are there.
for italics you put <# > and </#> (replace # with i and without the spaces between the letter and the >
for bold you just replace i with b
to keep formatting from notepad replace i/b with pre
@fantom @Nocturnal_Stillness I believe you can also use ‘code’, ‘u’, ‘s’ and possibly more…
this is code
this is underlined
this is strikethrough
Replace “Your Text Here” with what you want to write.
Replace ? with:
i for Italics ,
b for Bold ,
u for Underline
s for Strikethrough
What about images and text boxes?
It’s just HTML, but limited to certain tags and attributes:
<img src=""/>
I don’t believe you can do text boxes.
What I meant by text boxes was where the text is in the yellow box.
you put pre inside <>
so instead of a letter you put the word pre and it become
Hey guys, missed me ?