Fields of Asphodel [A Greek Mythology Story - Now Available!]

Not sure if this has been mentioned, but in the early choice about how going to the underworld feels, there is a small grammar error. Most of the choices start with something like ‘perplexing,’ which fits with the ‘It feels…’ above the choice. The second to last one starts with, ‘excited,’ which doesn’t.

Also, in the first conversation with Zeus, if he snarks about her attire and Persephone raises an eyebrow, you get this in the text: ‘Undaunted by the rather crude commentary, I hold an arm out to stop my mother and lift an eyebrow towards the king. “Is that so?” You let your voice lilt with just a touch of humorous implication, as though it contains a joke you’re keeping to yourself.’ It refers to her as ‘I’ instead of ‘you.’

Later, if Athena offers you the feather: ‘Athena frowns slightly. “It is transferable, but I you would need to manually switch who it is keyed to in order for someone else to use it.”’

(Sorry if I am being nitpicky.)


No no, I appreciate the notes. Thank you very much!


I just got to the section where you taste test with Charon and Pyri. I offered to spar with Pyri, and he accepted, but the section just ended on. ‘And now, for a spar.’

I don’t know if that was deliberate, but it feels like something is missing?

No, it was meant to end there. The scene was with both of them; what happens next is just meant to be the exit from the scene. Pyri will accept and it’s assumed you do spar with them, but it’s not written, since it would be somewhat repetitive on a earlier scene anyway.

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Fair enough. Maybe put a ‘…’ on the end, then?

Is there any opportunity to use Artemis’ knife aside from by giving it to Eurydice?

P.S. I really love this game.

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Not yet! The plan is to write an opportunity or two to use it into the sequel. :slight_smile:

And I’m glad you’re enjoying it!


Is Alekto Asexual ? Because i was close to the end of my second playthrough and she never really shown any kind of affection

Thank you

So, love the game. Mainly because I’m just a greek lore nerd. Wish we could have done a bit more with our powers, but since it seems to take place before Persephone took up her mantle, it makes sense that we didnt. Im guessing we’ll see more of it in the sequel, since it seems like It’ll take place after the 50/50 time in Greek Lore which make the seasons.

Also, i dont know if my memory is trash, but i could swear at some point in the demo it was possible to have H as a lady. Saying they could change their form to suit our “tastes”; or somethin’. If it was a thing, real shame it was removed. But, I’m 101% chill with going the single route. Just gonna tend to my garden. ((Which we need to have more scenes for in the sequel!))

@Chloee_Agius Alekto is not asexual, but her expressions of affection are subtle, especially in this first book.

@GhostofGrief None of the characters in this game have ever been gender-selectable. As for the next game, it takes place almost immediately after this one ends. There will be some chances to develop PC’s powers a bit more, but that’s not really the focus, since it doesn’t cover a very long time frame. :slight_smile:


Thank you

I also remember this, so you aren’t alone here.

Yeah, i only ever bothered to remember it, cause it was Greek based; and Hades is cool.

This would have been a while ago, while game was still being made, though. Maybe when there was only a chapter or two out? I think the name of the game may have been different too at the time. But im not as sure about that.

I’m guessing you’re remembering a different game, since the author just said that none of the characters have ever been gender-selectable.

And to be honest, I’m really glad what you’re remembering was never part of this game. I don’t mind being able to make decisions about the genders of NPCs as a player, but the idea of my character being able to make such a decision for another character is pretty squicky.


It would have had to have been another game with the exact same plot then.

Also, they way the characters worded it wasn’t so bad. It was pretty much “As a God with immense power, our physical appearances are maleable” and Hades offers to do it, if it would help put the MC at ease, or w.e Since Hades was always kind and understood the MC’s position in all of this.

It kinda makes sense, in the way Hades explains if, cause all through Greek lore tons of Gods have stories of them shape shifting. Zeus probably having the most. :sweat_smile: Man has been everything from a Swan to a Golden Rain Shower, all to get lucky.

There’s a big difference between Zeus transforming temporarily into a form of his own choosing to serve his purposes of the moment, and a character allowing another to request that he change his body and presentation on at least a semi-permanent basis. After all, if physical appearances are malleable and Hades has still consistently chosen to present as male for hundreds (if not thousands) of years, that suggests that he identifies with masculinity in a way that’s not simply cosmetic. And Hades being the one to make the offer really doesn’t help much. If I got a plastic surgeon’s catalog and asked my husband to circle all the physical features he found most objectively appealing so I could have myself molded into his ideal type, that wouldn’t be generous, that would be deranged.

Perhaps it could be done well if the shapeshifting character were some kind of nonbinary to start with and the transformation was limited to specific contexts. Otherwise I can’t wrap my head around it from any angle where it doesn’t feel gross.

But in any case it’s a moot point, because the author has said the character was never written that way. I have no reason to think they’re lying about this.


Yet you saw someone else remember it too.

And i have already stated, it COULD have been something else, but it would have been a demo with the EXACT same plot and the EXACT same characters. Which, is possible. I did not anywhere state “NO THIS DEFINITELY WAS A THING”. Flat out said, my memory could have been being trash.

Also, it really isnt “gross”. Unusual maybe? I can’t really claim it’s any one thing, since this is in the realm of literal gods.

Your point of Hades in lore always been depicted as a male, is probably the only thing there that is solid. And i do agree with you, that he is! But, naturally certain liberties must be added, and have been to make the game the great piece of work that it is.

If not, this whole thing would have been one huge “family” problem. Along with a few other things. Like Eresbus and Ares. Essentially the whole “follow the strict lore” falls apart.


I remember this exact thing, yeah, to the point where I was surprised when I bought this game and didn’t get that option. With Supergiant’s Hades being so popular in recent years, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was another WIP out there that was based on Hades/Persephone story, but I would have put money on it being this one.

I don’t mean to call Jaybirdy a liar or anything, I believe them when that say this game never had that. I just think it’s weird that we both remember the exact same thing.

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Mandela strikes again!