The save the system is often not added until the sequel has been submitted and yes you will be able to pick which save you use.
And you will be able to start the poly in the sequel
Posting to say I absolutely adored this game. I wasn’t following the progress on FoA, and now I am just as excited for BotL as I am for the next installments of FHR, Wars, ItFO, and JGT&S.
This is also a rare IF game where I didn’t create a character or play a character modeled on my own thoughts and feelings. I took some edibles and decided to play Persephone as an incredibly sheltered demigoddess who loves everyone and everything. My mantra throughout was “Springtime vibes” and this story captures that utterly perfectly. I spent a good amount of my first playthrough with tears in my eyes due to just how soft and sweet everything is.
If I were to have any criticism it is that consent has a big role in all the relationships and I wish a little bit that there could have been an option at the very start of the game where I could just set a flag of “hugs and physical touch is totally cool with me, no worries.” But I understand why it’s not there - consent can change moment to moment and better a little awkwardness than being uncomfy.
I love love love this take on Greek myth.
Thanks for this feedback. I’ll see if I can add something somewhere to make clear that the poly isn’t properly established until the sequel. Sorry it was confusing.
I agree with your consent idea but imo a better way to implement it is to integrate it with the ROs themselves.
Consent is important but having it be a “select early and now it’s forever” kind of ruins the process of giving said consent. A big part of giving consent in a relationship is progress, you don’t just give consent to a random guy you just met and have a slight attraction towards, you gotta give it time see what they’re like and then finally decide whether they’re worth giving it or not.
So in my view, consent should be a progressive thing that builds up as you go and not an option you select very early on like how comfortable you are with other people’s touch.
Unrelated but i love how much personal things you can customize in this game. Rarely do you get to choose your tick, whether you’re comfortable with physical touch, whether you have sensory overload or not etc. These small things may seem inconsequential but they serve such an important role towards your own emotional connection towards both your character and the story as a whole.
Sorry for the big words but i just love this game so much because a lot of the options you can choose correlate with me personally, especially the option to choose whether you’re sensitive to touch or not
I finished this game yesterday and I must talk about it a bit. First of all, I want to thank @Jaybirdy for writing such a wonderful story. I had a great time reading it, and I can’t be happier that the story will continue in Blood of the Living.
What stood out to me while reading FoA was how beautiful the prose is. More specifically, I found the writing to be really evocative. I noticed that a lot of scenes in the book caused a strong emotional response in me. Many times I caught myself feeling very moved by your writing and even almost tearing up in some moments (and sometimes not almost, haha), even though the book is not depressing or anything like that. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me being too sensitive, but I’m rather inclined to believe that this is a testament to your writing talent.
For example, the scene where the MC puts a flower crown on Hades’s head and it immediately begins to decay is so beautiful in its melancholy that I can picture it so vividly in my head. Or the scene where Hades offers his arm to the MC instead of Hera: the words you used to describe this interaction and MC’s feelings about it really touched me, despite it being a relatively small moment. And the whole scene where MC discovers the courtyard that everyone made for them, and everything that happens after that… wow, I was floored along with my MC. But enough examples, otherwise I can list them forever.
As it may already be evident, my character romanced Hades. Their slowly blossoming relationship with my very kind and shy MC was so sweet. Like probably every other Hades-romancer, I couldn’t wait for them to finally kiss, but nevertheless I really enjoyed the slowburn. All the more reason to look forward to the second book!
Overall, the world you’ve created is incredibly welcoming, as well as immersive and accessible even for people who don’t know much about Greek mythology or have only a surface level knowledge, like me. Once again, thank you for this amazing book!
Also I've spotted a coding error
I apologise if it has already been discovered. I believe in chapter 4 the following line is missing from the code:
*set charon_scene_2 true
I noticed this because one choice in chapter 6 wasn’t visible in my game, even though I did choose Charon’s scene in chapter 4, but it didn’t register properly:
Really love the story, Im on my 4th play through, love all the mythology.
So my MC didn’t hook up with Hades, would it be possible for the MC to be viewed as an uncle by Hade’s kid( forgot her name) the sequel instead of a parent?
My mc still wants to be a part of the kid’s life but is in a monagmous relationship with Hekate.
Regardless of route, there will be more chances to spend time and develop a bond with Makaria. I can’t promise anything specific yet with what she’ll call the PC/think of them as specifically, but at the very least, they could be getting close to that kind of familial bond by the end of the sequel.
@Nemureru_Mori thank you for this; I’ll fix it ASAP!
Huh? Wait. I said I choose both worlds and Zeus actually allowed it?
It’s so easy being me…
I don’t get the ending text though. Was I supposed to choose the underworld? Or does this ending lead to the sequel as well?
Hi @Kaoru!
Could you elaborate on what ‘ending text’ you’re missing? Like the conversation after the judgement, or the entire epilogue? Both? You should definitely be getting a normal amount of stuff after that resolution (!), including the same underworld epilogue you get if you choose to mostly live there. (So it does lead into the sequel, yes.)
Huh. I can’t fathom why you’re not getting that. In any case, if you chose to split your time evenly and got the Underworld epilogue, your playthrough can continue in the sequel, I promise!
I’ll look into that, though; thanks for pointing it out to me.
I might be misunderstanding, but I think @Kaoru is saying they didn’t quite understand the text, rather than that it didn’t show up? Correct me if I’m wrong, please.
Oh! I feel exceedingly silly now.
To clarify: everyone gets that message. As long as the last scene of the game for you took place in the Underworld, the sequel will be able to follow your file (once all that’s been set up, I mean). I am writing the second story such that it only continues from endings of the story where the player ends up in the Underworld for at least half of the year (because there wouldn’t be much of a story if they weren’t where things are happening).
I do apologize, I’ve been in debugging mode for so long that I read ‘I didn’t get’ as quite literally ‘on this playthrough this text did not appear.’
You’re all good. It was very kind of you to immediately jump into helping mode I only jumped in because I didn’t want you to put work into looking for an error that might not exist.
I loved the game btw. I haven’t posted here yet because I’m still thinking about the story. I’m looking forward to more of your writing.
It was my fault for not stating what I meant clearly, thanks for answering.
No trouble at all, truly.
And thank you, @rozane, for helping me out there. It’s very much appreciated!
Hi all!
The first two chapters of the sequel, Blood of the Living, are now available to play.
Why thank you, I feared I might get bored at work, no more thanks to this!