Fallen Hero: Revelations (WIP) Updated: Feb 07 (new demo links)


This update got me a little confused… Why doesn’t sidestep just… Yk… Kill hollow ground right there?

Yes it has been explained that HG is important in keeping the stability and order in the city but why would the evil batman sidestep ( hero hunter without training), thief or mob boss sidestep care about it? To them the resulting chaos would just be an opportunity to carry on with their goals.

Specifically with the strength upgrade armour. All it takes is a little mountain grip and HG gets Oberen Martelled


Might give that option later when I add to the scene, but right now I don’t want to lock out any book paths just because players gets trigger happy. It’s easier to add an option than to remove one later.

HG can get killed in this book, just need to see where it would be most dramatically appropriate.

Whenever you ask the question: “why would Sidestep…” the answer is usually because of story and drama reasons, if characters acted logically and practically all the time it rarely makes for a cool story.


Completely understand that, luring HG out, tieing him up and then robbing his house made for a hilariously enjoyable scene but then i thought, his death might be equally hilarious too.

" Local Kingpin, the ruler in the shadows, man around whom the city revolved, the greatest mystery of Los Diablos killed in his house because he was angry about a meeting "

The ridiculousness of the idea convinced me to ask the question


Sidestep could either be lying or doing preparations off screen

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Killed by a beginner villain.


No one would know that’s Hollow Ground, though.


Indeed, i meant it more so in out of the story sense. This guy has been built up as the Big Bad for 2 books… And he dies in the first physical encounter with sidestep… Inside his own house


But as much as I like to make fun of HG, I don’t want them dead too soon. I’m actually curious how the sibling relationship will develop. Plus there are annoying Rangers to get rid of!
My MC and HG will be plotting together against Ortega :>


I want to have a “dew it” moment with talking Ortega into killing HG :smiling_imp:
Dew-it-galactic-republic (1)


What does “dew it” mean?

Google Translate gives some strange translation, lol

It’s a meme about how Palpatine says “do it” when talking Anakin into killing Count Dooku in Revenge Of the Sith


I think it can be translated to “do it”, but I’m not sure :joy: :joy:


I’d been trying to hold in my praise until the demo progressed a little more, but after playing the latest path I can no longer contain the adoration I feel for this series.

I can say with confidence that the Fallen Hero series are the best games Hosted Games and CoG have ever put out, hands down.

The storytelling is beyond amazing, the world-building has completely enraptured me, I’ve never been more invested in a cast of characters like yours, and the sheer dedication towards creating these games and the amount choices we can make in them is simply breathtaking.

I’ve made over a dozen different Sidesteps and played the games for months, and from what I’ve gleamed from the demos I already know this is just the start.

My favorite Sidesteps so far have been the charming phantom thief out for revenge, the broken hero still seeking out justice, the Doctor Doom-inspired kingpin who’s hardened his heart, the insane bloodthirsty anarchist helpless to stop himself and the abrasive hero helper with anger issues.

My favorite character and RO would of course be Ortega. With my favorite minor characters being Mia, The Handyman, our loyal Henchman and Anathema’s ghost.

Finally my favorite route would be this most recent path where Sidestep has kept their situation under control.

Happy to hear you’ve taken our love of overly violent reprisals into account and are planning to implement them eventually. I can’t tell you how satisfying it would be to kill HG with his own kitchen knife. Our revenge against our enemies will be sweet and cruelly ironic.

And I already love Dove, Armadillo and Sky-Pirate.

I wish you the best of luck in letting your imagination run wild. I’m excited to see what else you have in store for us, and I have to thank you again for letting us be a part of your sensational world of superhumans.


About killing (or trying to kill) Hollow Ground early.
I don’t think that it should be examined as a Logic Vs Drama issue, but as a Character Consistency and Freedom of Choice Vs Drama.
Sidestep can and/or does act irrationally. However, that makes sense due to their character traits.
The issue is when they are acting out of character. A Sidestep who kills indiscriminately, needs a good excuse not to kill HG. This isn’t like Ortega in Rebirth, where there were plenty of reasons for an omnicidal Sidestep not to kill Charge.
Killing Hollow Ground might be anti climatic, but some times, things go out with a fizzle, instead of a bang. Also the aftermath could be very intriguing. The Los Diablos underworld gets destabilised, Lord Ember enters the fray a bit earlier and Ortega get disappointed as they slowly realise that HG is killed and they never got a chance to avenge Hood.


I definitely think Step should have the choice to try to kill HG, but I don’t think a bit of divine intervention to save them this early is a bad thing. Especially since really only 4.2 gets the opportunity this early, it’d disjoint from all the other paths way sooner.


I imagine it doesn’t even need to be a divine intervention. HG does have some telepathic powers and the jammers are down. They can alert their friends, stall Sidestep and leg it.

I don’t know if they can but worst case, screaming can work, too. The bedroom isn’t exactly on the other side of town.

Yeah, i know you can potentially keep Jake out, but that still leaves Nocturne. Switching off Sidestep’s sight would still be pretty good way to let HG get away. And ultimately you only need a decent enough excuse, not some full-blown larp duel nonsense.


I am not sure that Hollow Ground can give mental commands like Sidestep can.

Also keep in mind that with the red threads damaged the Rat King can keep Jake from waking up (check the comments in the code)


Isn’t seeing someone with a face so similar to yours a reason to not kill them? Even a Sidestep who murders everyone could be potentially curious about the implications. I also feel like killing the kingpin of the Los Diablos underworld just like that without thinking about the consequences would be out of character for even the most reckless Sidestep since taking down HG is not their ultimate goal in the first place and killing a person who holds that much power could be detrimental to their actual plans. I agree that acting irrationally without thinking about possible complications down the road is possible but doing such a thing this early 1)wouldn’t make that much sense in my opinion 2)would be too much work for the author when there are already tons of variables to consider.


What is the Farm in Fallen Hero? Never really knew.

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I only agree on the author’s workload point.

  • Sidestep killing Hollow Ground is rush but not reckless. They won’t have another opportunity like that, for a long while and they might have to be on high alert for a counterattack. Let’s not forget that Hollow Ground landed Ace to the Hospital. Hollow Ground is dangerous.
  • The similarity and its implications don’t feel that important enough for a Sidestep that kills all the time. If Sidestep can kill their “siblings” (Regenes) while incapacitated, I don’t they spare an enemy whose (or their relatives) genetic material was harvested for their creation.
  • Hero beater/killers and thieves don’t need Hollow Ground