Fallen Hero: Rebirth is released - discussion thread! (Book One)

A pet planet. I want to see that.

But MC already has the Rat King. Let’s build it a robot body and teach it tricks using telepathy!


I mean, come on we are a super Villian. We need something to threaten everyone with. XP

Okay that would be kinda cool.


Is it possibly i can get a liter of cats? Or a murder of crows as pets??? Please like i want too enter my villain cave and be greeted by one or by bats xD idk i really think the MC needs a pet mayne then they cn chill a bit >.>


OH my god do you know what would be the best? Like have a whole herd of cats and like have them climbing all over everything during like a villain broadcast in the very superhero fashion and that’s like something the MC does? LIke lock a superhero is allergic to cats in a room full of Kittens that has a live feed? Cause name a hero who can make that look good if a kitten got hurt?

Not one. it’s evil and brilliant while being unbelievably cute.


Nah, full villain pet: a genetically modified cyborg dog, get on it Mortum!


Hmmmmm the perfect plan lmao xD just imagine the struggle of the hero while our MC is rampaging across town lol hopefully this could be an option xD i have a feeling it would work on herald and slightly on Ortega

@Zoilus omg! U think if we flirt with mortum more he would give us a genetically enhanced pet??? Please??? I want <3


PFT now I’m just picturing an MC who’s romancing Herald or Ortega just being like.
MC as Villian: “Catch Hero!”
Herald: -wide eyed catches a fluffy kitten- Wha?
Mc: -locks door behind- Enjoy the gauntlent of dooooom! Mwahahahahah! -releases tiny doors around the room that has kittens stumbling in, mewing.
Herald: “Uhhhh?”
Minion: -outside of mic range.- “You did this just so you wouldn’t have to fight him didn’t you?”
MC: Well like I was going to trust you all with my new babies. Tootles!


Headcanonly Akira has a pet dog which she found as a stray puppy so I guess that counts for something? I’d like to think said dog acts as a moment ruiner too

Yes! I want this! Please i will die if we can actually do this throw in ortega and we now have to deal with 1/2 pf the rangers lol

@squarelyblue i mean xD isnt that what pets for? To cockblock u at every turn lol

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Either that or pull a 101 Dalmations level of shipping

Also to sniff out whether someone is trustworthy or not (because for reals pets can sense that)


Speaking as someone who once had rats and loved them, I think the Rat King is an unbeatable pet/accomplice. And considering they’re also telepathic, the whole “existing only as brains in a jar” problem seems easy enough to fix…

Just imagine. Going to the park with a hivemind of dogs. A squirrel runs by and all their heads swivel in perfect unison. Or maybe the puppet just has one really intelligent cat that creeps out their LI whenever they visit their apartment. The MC has a really bad day and the Rat King possesses the actual rats living in their shitty apartment building to come say hi- okay, maybe not that one.


That last one sounds vaguely disney princess-y… (not that I don’t want it to happen)

But if we get ever get the chance to train the Rat King into possession level of telepathy, why stop there?

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So I’m not really one who posts stuff here, or anywhere else online, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this game.
I was just looking for something to do while procrastinating and I ended up buying this game, not really knowing what it was about. Turns out it was amazing and I’ve played through it several times now! :grinning:

I recommended it to a friend who also loves it. We’re both really excited for the next games and we’ll probably try to get all of the achievements when we have the time.
So thanks @malinryden for putting together such a great interactive story!


Honesty…I think the MC should just get a Great Dane, big, scary…yet completely sweet…and a bit goofy :yum:

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What exactly is the “rat king”?

Welp…The Ray King is pretty much a handful of Rodent Brains…so think Brain in Jars…
and can also detect where you are due to…brain talks…man I need some sleep kek


A natural phenomena where rats that grow in extremely close proximity, such as in a sewer, (and I mean “can barely move” close) can fuse at the tail.

In game it’s a group of rat brains that assist in the strain of psionic attacks by handling a lot of the “background noise”


MC: Marshal Steel! I take it the Psychopathor has been destroyed. I must say you’re here sooner than expected!
Steel: In the name of the Government of the United States of America, you’re under arrest, Sidestep.
MC: Are you threatening me, Marshal Steel?
Steel: The Government will decide your fate.
MC: I am the Government.
Steel: Not yet.
MC: It’s treason, then.
[Accusing the Rangers of treason, MC activated his suit and lunged at the group. In a moment of distraction, Herald was impaled by MC through the abdomen. Charge, despite their surprise, attempted to strike the Dark Lord from behind as Herald fell, but was cut down as MC swung around to slash them across the torso. With two of the four Rangers dead, MC immediately engaged Lady Argent and Steel. Argent managed to fend off MC’s initial strikes due to her mastery of a more defensive style of claw combat, but she was cut down mere seconds after the fall of her two compatriots. His entire strike force dead, Steel was left to contend with might of the Dark Lord alone.]
[MC drove Steel back along the corridor to their public office, where Steel rallied and pulled MC into a bladelock. Sensing MC’s incredible power, Chen realized that he had to give himself completely over to Implants, his personal telepathic dampeners, in order to survive. As their battle took them towards the center of the room, henchman’s Ranger airspeeder touched down outside. They had meditated on their tumultuous thoughts in the Ranger Chambers as Steel had advised them to do, and the young Ranger felt as though they could not bear to let MC meet their death at the hands of the Rangers; at least, not before teaching the henchman the secrets of Doctor Mortum to save [PUPPET NAME] from death.]
[Henchman stops Marshal Steel from hurting the MC, severing Steel’s hand. Sidestep drops their act and again strikes Steel with nanovores]
MC: [Triumphantly] NANOBOTS! UNLIMITED NANOBOTS! [sends Steel flying out the window to his death]
Henchman: [Horrified] What have I done…?!
MC: You’re fulfilling your destiny, henchman. Become my sidekick. Learn to use the Dark Side of the Hero Drug.
Henchman: [exhausted] …I will do whatever you ask.
MC: Good!
Henchman: Just help me save [PUPPET NAME]'s life. I can’t live without them.
MC: To cheat death is the power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.
Henchman: I pledge myself… to your teachings.
MC: Good. Good… The Hero Drug is strong with you. A powerful Villain, you will become. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth…Henchman.
Darth Henchman: Thank you, my master.


I like it how Herlad gets stabbed first.


I like how Charge got stabbed crys

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