I have decided I would like to make a game. The genre is going to be fantasy, adventure. I would like to implement an ally system where they will be able to help you on your quest. Because this is still in the idea stage and I do not know how to code the release date will probably be late summer. I have specific beta tester who I would like to assist me if they are interested but that will be later on.
Hopefully, I shall have the plot and possible endings written down by the end of 2013. Then I can slowly learn how to code/write it in choice format as spring semester goes on.
I like imagination, but magic is a little to much fantasy. U don’t have to like me. But I do think someone making a game wants everyone to play your game.
@emv1996 I get what you’re saying, but if you have dragons then by default it’s fantasy., and dragons traditionally are magical in nature to begin with.
@fanton used what your saying, and choice of dragon did have magic but they did not have to have that. They could of had a trained army come and attack him, and it would have been just as good. We’ll that my opinion.
Another suggestion- make sure you have full choice over character creation (Race, Role, Gender) you don’t want a person who’s most comfortable with being, say, a rogue to be forced into being a warrior; or @emv1996 to be forced into being a mage or wizard. What I’m saying is different people have different preferences.