Enjoying less "healthy" romances

Maybe but in an IF if you start destroying the world, I don’t think they’re just going to ignore it lol ::slight_smile:

And thats where the fun begin :sweat_smile:

We would be condemned, hunted down, forced to be separated. Maybe the mc would realise their error, maybe not, maybe the ro would bow down to authority just so they could meet the mc again

Or maybe we would be forced into hiding, and then no matter what my mc life would be tied with the ro

How FUN would the story bee??? See, unhealthy against the world is fun

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I guess? I just started reading it, why does this one Japanese person say “aye” like he’s a scotsman? how do you bounce a katana with your knee so high that it flips twice? and why doesn’t the sheath just drop out if you do?

What exactly is a “flask of fermented rice” ? why doesn’t he just say “sake” ?


No they would just hunt him lol, and then he would end up in a “Bonnie and Clyde” type situation, I suppose that’s what you mean :slight_smile: but then there isn’t any saving in that scenario unless one of them was hunted. Then you’d end up with something like Blade Runner? :slight_smile:

Me doing villain romances, sadly.

My question would rather be “if you destroy the world, where are you planning to live?”

Not that I couldn’t see that in a villain romance, but I’d prefer they decide together to do it, not just the RO one-sidedly deciding to go for it. (Maybe it even is the MC who wants it, and needs to convince the RO.)


Yes to put what Lady Luck said in another way from what I understand some people are disappointed that Ferrado didn’t lean into the whole slave-master dynamics in a horny sub-dom way and instead expressly refused to do so which went against people’s expectations since for them that might have been the reason they pick their romance which leaves them feeling unsatisfied with the game. Unsatisfied lead to annoyance for a few as Ferrado keep going on about slave-master dynamics as a reason not to be with the mc which they took as a attack against them for seeking a sub-dom romance in the game even if that was not the author attention to make them feel that way (I typed this out at 5:40 AM so pardon me if this is a bit ramshackle :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: )


Less healthy is what I enjoy, should probably read this whole thread to see some tips for content.


Unfortunately, many heroes are prone to sacrifice everything if it means they can save their precious world with lots of people in it :)) Sometimes there is no time to make another decision and a hero must choose between you and the world. What will this hero do? There is no alternative, there is no way to save both you and the world. You most certainly will not survive. It’s better to have a villain on your side in such a situation. A villain who loves you :slight_smile:

Not every story can give a hero a chance to protect and save everyone. Moreover, it’s kind of boring, don’t you think? It’s much more interesting when a hero has to make a tough choice than when they can do everything just because they’re a hero.


How would anyone have a situation like this?

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Nope, there’s one thing I love more than anything and that’s a tragic/bittersweet ending, especially if it’s a toxic Ros that couldn’t save you. Make it painful as possible.

The type of stuff that keeps you up at night and makes you stare outside your window

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Have you heard about Life Is Strange? The most meaningful choice in the game is quite similar. You either save your friend and let the town be destroyed or save the town but let your friend die. You just can’t save both your friend and the town. So yeah, such things may happen.


I meant that a story in which a hero saves everyone is rather boring :smiling_face_with_tear:

Ah, English is hard… Sorry if I said something wrong, what I actually tried to say is that it’s okay if a character can’t save everyone, it’s more dramatic.


Lol nah it was me, not you. But I gotta say though for life is strange the decision wasn’t that hard at all. I personally really dislike Chloe as a character and found her unbearable, so as soon as the game gave me the option to get rid of her, I did lmao! I’m sorry for those who did like her…

The only time I felt bad for her was her alternate self, now that was tragic. Imagine an Ro keeping you alive even though you want to die due to some horrific accident or painful disease that keeps you mostly bed or wheel chair bound.


As a sucker for redemptive arcs, I can jive with toxic ROs if it at least teases a better path for them…even if it is ultimately rejected and leads to a tragic end for the MC or the RO. But, of course, i can understand, if not prefer, the appeal of devils dancing with each other, driving deeper into depravity.


Expectations are key to executing interactive romances – part of any Heart’s Choice title is the expectations set prior to the reader beginning the story.

Are HC titles considered to be dating sims, Harlequin romances, an otome, etc.?

Currently, the variances involved with the expectations are extreme and something that a HC author should take into account when approaching the adverts and splash summaries given.


I heard they changed the ending, where you can save both Chloé and the Town.

personally, I would have let the Town rot. My romance will always come first :stuck_out_tongue:

I feel like everyone I’ve ever heard talk about the ending of Life Is Strange has either said “fuck the town, they suck, I’m keeping my gf, easy decision” or “fuck Chloe, annoying ass, easy decision.” Like the decision is based entirely on whether you liked Chloe’s character. Not sure if anyone actually experienced the gripping moral dilemma the writers intended.


There would have been one if they didn’t paint the town in such a shitty way. And wouldn’t have made Chloé so…edgy or teenagery or whatever lol

When you want people to suffer the dilemma of choosing between 2 options, you have to give people reasons, reasons that resonate with them deeply, that torture their conscience. I would say in that regard they kind of failed.

Add to that, it would have been hard to do anyway. Because Max isn’t some superhero who has a Duty to save the Town. There is no moral obligation to save the Town, or Chloé for that matter.

I’m pretty sure some people would have loved an option where they wished they had a 3rd option of ‘Fuck it all, kill and destroy everything. Why do I care?’.


Yep, the town sucks but I found Chloe to be an entitled insufferable brat, once again no offense. I haven’t clicked a choice so quick in my entire gaming life. I didn’t hesitate for a second…. I know the writers were trying to do something but they failed flat on that.

Chloe’s a toxic love interest, one of the worst kind and she’s not interesting or compelling to keep around. If anyone making a ROs based on her, I’m steering clear of that game.


she was still a better choice in comparison to the Incel Warren. That guy was creepy as fuck.