Elementals (WIP) Update! 18/6/19

@AJ_ I mean flirting as the way he spoke to her on their first impression and his weak attempt in the medical room.

@Sammysam Oh handling her around and completely disabling her then talking to her like a helpless rodent? Yep, that would piss anybody off. Good on Iris for thinking with her head and using her draining :wink:


To be honest, I’m kind of interested in Sebastian as well as Dante and Ciro…


Love the story

Would the MC get a change to drain Sebastian


I just wanna thump Sebastian. Mr. ‘oh I’m so intimidating!’ grumble.

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I want to win him over with my kind and gentle MC and then watch as he completely shatters my heart.


Why would you put your MC through that pain? :scream:

The second sentence indeed confirms your answer… -_- Good that I anyway love a good drama and pain and aching hearts and tears for my MCs… There probably is something wrong with me :confused:

@RedRoses As a polyarmourus relationship with Dante and Ciro is by now out of question, you still can hope to wind up in any love triangle that includes Sebastian …that means until @AJ_ shatters our hopes again… And I’m happy to see a fellow sucker for drama and pain


I like tragedy :grinning:

(plus it’s always nice to have a path that you know is going to end badly to go along with the other ones that will end on more positive notes like Solas! )


I like playing the emotionless character who hides everything under thick skin and doesn’t expect anybody to make an effort for them. Also they don’t pick a side at all because they see the flaws in both of them. A true neutral.

Iris Garrison pulls this off perfectly :wink:


Sebastian hmm.? He is evil too. I prefer Dante and Ciro. Maybe it is not a poli but that doesn’t mean my character won’t try to romance both. I let them fight for me lol. Drama!! :imp:


Well he is planning to kill someone (probably the council members) , so that could be interpreted as evil. We don’t know why he wants to do that, or if it could be something that saves thousands in the end (I say: Unlikely!!) but by now he seems “evil”, by standard definitions of the word.


I am totally pro Voldemort. Go die Council and kill Muggles who hate us.!

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Is Dante though really evil? I don’t like to put characters in black & white boxes. A ‘grey’ character is much more interesting and complex and this is how I personally see him. I’m really intriquedabout him and his past, and how how it connects to Ciro (although I have some suspisions about this)
And honestly, it’s really understandable for me that he is so hostile and goes against the council, who ties to control and use the elementals for their own benefits without them have their own will.


That’s why I put “evil” in quotation marks. Life is complicated, different people have different values, blah, blah, blah ethical/moral/philosophical relatavism etc.


Maybe he just wants to be loved? :anguished:

@Nakami_Nukaim Thank you :blush:

Spoilers… actually I just don’t know yet :joy:

:astonished: [quote=“Sammysam, post:540, topic:12855”]
Good that I anyway love a good drama and pain and aching hearts and tears for my MCs… There probably is something wrong with me :confused:

Great because I hope to include a load of drama/pain :smiling_imp:[quote=“Sammysam, post:540, topic:12855”]
you still can hope to wind up in any love triangle that includes Sebastian …that means until @AJ_ shatters our hopes again…

Hmm I don’t want to say too much… I might crush you all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But there might be a chance to have some romance with Sebastian in the future… how it would end well - I know :imp:

@Nathan_Faxon I love your character :smiley: And I’ll continue making a neutral path that will hopefully live up to your expectations :wink:

Good luck with that :imp: After all, why not increase their hatred for each other? :joy:

Well yes I suppose it depends on how you interpret it… He’s far from the friendly, rainbows and sunshine type though :joy: I will mention that Sebastian is more ‘evil’ than Dante though :smile:

I’m looking forward to writing some actual romance :thinking:


I don’t like ponies and rainbows type. I like the hot bad sarcastic type. And Dante is definitely my type. Sadly I only achieve like 20 as max relationship with him. Why don’t you love me Dante :sob:


He must be mistakened, he wants love from Iris? XD

He is very desperate?

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He must get rejected a lot :neutral_face:

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Well, flirting with everything that has legs probably irritades some of the people that otherwise would give him some love…

Your right, he had it coming.

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