Deleted by author moser

Basic Alien Information:

Name: Go-thraush
Gender: Male
Uniform: Lightweight Armor
Body Type: Lizard (in my head it’s like a DnD Dragonborn)
Skin Color: grey (in my head just the soft skin is grey, the scales can be any color of stone/ any of my species could have skin that’s :gray, brown, sandstone colored)
Special Feature 1:
Special Feature 2:

Origin: You hail from the planet of Travissth where it is perfectly acceptable to ask about the other being’s medical history when meeting a stranger.

Vitality: 8
Resolve: 8
Allure: 3
Spontaneity: 3
Brilliance: 3

Health: 16
Maximum Health: 16
Special Ability: Hardskin
Archetype: Tank


Update posted!

The story is rather wide thus far, because I’m trying to provide lots of options for many of the choices. I’ve passed the 10k word limit, and my goal is to try to wrap up Episode 1, at least a draft version, by Memorial Day.


If you pick the Attribute checks, let me know your Attribute and whether you succeeded or failed. It’s important for me to review these as I go, since they are randomized.

Choice 1 - escape energy bonds - if you use Vitality, state your Vitality number and if you broke them or not

Choice 2 - stop Trazer and Jaxer from fighting in cell - if you use Resolve, state your Resolve number and if you intimidated them into stopping. If you use Brilliance, state your Brilliance number and if you convinced them to stop.

Other than that, I’d love if you drew my attention to continuity errors. I’m not so worried about typos right now.


Choice 1: used Vitality, 8 Vitality, broke them twice failed once.

Choice 2: used Resolve, 8 Resolve, intimidated them.

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Broke my bonds and the fight


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