🌈 Dear Diary, We Created a Plot Hole! (A Slice-of-Life Fantasy Adventure set in the Philippines) ~ [UPDATED Aug 31 | 608,000 words]

Hello! How’s everyone liking the update and the new NP mechanic so far?

If you haven’t yet, please consider answering the new survey, even if you don’t have a playthrough code! It’ll help me a lot in figuring out where I should take the NP mechanic in the future.

Anyway, I’m planning another smaller update after I’ve recovered:

  • Extra ancestry flavor text
  • New NP option to ask Julie/Robert to pick you up even if your MC isn’t short
  • An entirely new discoverable secret for Tito Nestor that can help you with your sidequest
  • [T-Rex Tooth Replica] Souvenir will now give extra Max NP on successful Intimidation checks
  • A super special surprise!

I’m also gonna make an updated post about all the new ancestry/heritage/souvenir effects, so you can pick much easier if you want to choose your traits according to the bonuses instead.


It’s kind of making me balk because it reminds me of all those free-to-play story games where you need to pay money to get a good ending, so I’m stubbornly avoiding using NP as much as I can, but otherwise, no complaints. Retconning reality is a weird feeling, which is the other reason I keep avoiding to use it.

On the plus side, I finally figured out how to make a werewolf superhero.

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Ha! I do poke a bit of fun with that in the “Choose Your Own Canon” game in MC’s phone. Of course the difference is you can totally regain your NP, so it’s much more like “mana/magic points” in other games.

But yes, I’m not intending to block actual important/branching options with NP. If anything, I’m giving you extra options (such as making you succeed when you fail a stat check, or making you pick an option that’s restricted by one of your traits). I’m also using it to acknowledge things that MC could “potentially do” in a certain situation, but wouldn’t fit the story. Oh, and I’m also planning some of the more expensive NP choices to be pickable in a NewGame+ playthrough!

I do worry I put a bit too much NP choices this early, especially since this mechanic wasn’t originally planned until Volume 2 at the earliest. I guess I was just worrying the update wasn’t big enough for having to wait this long. But it’s always been in the background even before, as you can tell from the prologue choices and saving Rosie from the bus scene. It also probably isn’t a big surprise if you’ve already read IAC.

But yes, NOT using NP is a totally valid playstyle and why it is will be evident later in Chapter 7 and 8.


IAC is absolutely why I wanted to make a werewolf superhero in the first place. :sweat_smile:

But I wonder, is Wayne’s shirt color and Rosalyna’s dress actually going to be relevant, or are those just cosmetic choices?

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Haha, yes! There will definitely be special interactions with Squad 626 as a werewolf superhero.

The NP outfit choices are mostly cosmetic for the most part, but I’m also planning to make new character art for those choices in the future (which is why I don’t wanna overdo it).

Also, some choices like making Wayne wear a skirt and making JM wear semiformal attire have special dialogue and will unlock a new secret in Wayne’s case.


I absolutely had a blast reading the options though, even if I didn’t pick them, so good work on that!


You know, I kinda wondered why there’s no Alien ancestry if your favorite genre is Sci-fi.

Oh, I would consider MCs with the [Extra-Galactic Adaptability] Trait aliens!

The trait implies that the stat bonuses MC gets is from their “alien physiology”. It’s a bit weird to call your own ancestry “alien” when it’s your own. Plus I just didn’t want to call the trait “Alien Ancestry” to make it sound a bit fancier. :sweat_smile:


By the way, I forgot to say that I wasn’t even thinking about special interactions… my MC in IAC was a werewolf superhero (with a lightsaber), and the thought was just so plain awesome :sweat_smile:

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And have you ever considered allowing the option to choose what breed of dog or cat MC’s pet could be? Or at least change the fur color?

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I mean, I went with aspins/puspins for a reason. But even if that wasn’t the case, I’m gonna have to make artwork for MC’s pet in the future, and letting you pick a breed just isn’t worth it.

It also didn’t make sense at the time for MC to be able to choose what kind of breed/color the pet would be since the pet was a surprise from Julie/Robert, but now that the NP options are available, you make a good point.

I think being able to change their color would be a good compromise, but I think I’ll remove the NP choice to change Mayari’s color. There’s a reason I’m making her black, and that wasn’t really planned anyway.


Wait, I thought Mayari was gray. Did I read wrong? :person_facepalming: Have I retconned the universe by picturing the wrong dog in my head?

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Ohh no you got me confused now too. :sweat_smile: I described her as grayish-black, but to me she’s more black than gray. But I guess gray is still technically correct.

Ahhh, I probably glazed over “black” and stopped at “grayish”, thinking “that does sound like Moon”. (My brain does not always want to pick up the details.)

Ugh. Ate Sam is pretty lucky he doesn’t have to deal with the… you know, girl thing. As if she doesn’t already tease me about being moody all the time.

The wrong pronoun was used where it says he instead of she.

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This story is insanely expansive 600k word and we still not get into the adventure part.

It’s amazing

Thank you for the report! I fixed it along with another bug in JM Sr.'s diary entry.

I’m not sure if you mean this in a positive or negative way? :sweat_smile: Either way, I feel like I have to re-emphasize that the story is primarily a slice-of-life, so the overall pacing of the story will mostly stay the same in Vol. 2 after we get to Wayne’s Story World.

Volume 1 through 6 only spans about one to two weeks actually, but of course the end of each volume will have a big climactic set piece.

Thank you! If I may ask, which are your favorite scenes and choices in the latest update? :blush:


Positive way.

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Ah, I caught a couple of pronoun weirdness as well, but brilliant me forgot to take screenshots. :person_facepalming: I can re-check later?

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