Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 9th of November 2024) (WIP)

I have a question. If I play the retiree MC, how old are they? IRL retirement ages are 60. But within a cyberpunk setting, is it more like 65 to 70?

It’s left open. The setting states that aging isn’t as big a deal(medical and drug advancements, replaced organs, etc), and retirement age is maybe at 80?(it’s discussed with the lobby guy). I forgot exactly.

Living to 100 years isn’t super exceptional.

Still, as far as descriptions and dialogue options are concerned, you’re treated as “old”. The opposite is true for the rookie where you’re treated as “young”, regardless what your “actual”/imagined age is.


Hey found a small mistake. “Anyway” should be capitalized. This is after catching Potira.

“Right, so enough of that. anyway, we had other leads too, so we interrogated this low-life and got him to snitch for us. He’ll be making sure the info we find is actually true instead of bullshit.”

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So, a slight nitpick. In the case of the heavy cybernetics option, it says that people are often scared of heavy cyberised individuals, but I didn’t see anyone that distrustful or intimidated by the MC. I wish there are more moments, where the people around the MC are intimidated or scared because the MC packs so much cybernetics.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: by the 19th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

Minor progress only.

Thanks. Fixed. If I remember to upload the file it’ll be changed with next update.

That’s more of a “great point” than a nitpick in my opinion. :smiley:

I’ll make a note to add a few of such moments once I go through the files in more detail. I’ll also add some effects to some of the interrogations where it matters. It’s one of those things I should’ve included in the first place, so it’s good you reminded me of it.

If anyone else has other similar suggestions, now is the time to tell them(since we’re very near to the time that I’ll be going through all the feedback and re-editing the game from start to finish). Things that increase immersion by taking the player character’s attributes or choices into account in descriptions and dialogue and so on. Mostly in minor ways like the above, that are really easy to add, rather than big changes that might take some effort to include.


Found another mistake. First, it should be legal. Secondly, I think you meant here “I wish I was a cop” instead. I would, however, use “I wish I were” as it is more grammatically correct. Tho in an informal speech, you can use “I wish I was” so it is whatever. This is during the Fun Tuesday while watching tv.

‘Oh, it’s fine, that’s totally lega’. Uh-huh. I was I was a cop. I’d love to beat people up with a club. All legally, I mean."


@Tiavals I hope your familiar with the IEC Dragoon full body conversion kit from Cyberpunk TTRPG. I want to use it as a reference for my MC, but i don’t know how accurate that will be. And i would also love it if you could add extra cosmetic cybernetics options, with the primary options. Oh I also would like to mention that removing the brain from a body is called Excerebration. Decerebrate means brain damage. I found this all out from Wikipedia.


Thanks. So many mistakes, and those are in the “main” text instead of choices too. Crazy that I’ve let them slip by. :flushed:

Fixed, will be changed with upload if I remember and the file works normally. (there’s been some problems with older files as I’ve changed to a different text editor semi-recently)

If you have a full body conversion like that in Cyberpolice, you’re definitely classified as a military-class cyborg, so from a setting point of view that’s impossible for a cop or the player character. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s an important part of the lore. :grin:

Once I rework the cybernetics you can pick and choose more freely from the cybernetics, rather than just one option. There’ll be a point based system, so you can have a bit of this and a bit of that in addition to a medium or heavy choice, for example. (but you’ll lose out on minor skills that’ll be implemented along with the system that give tiny bonuses to different situations, as to allow people to play a non-cybered character without feeling like it’s a disadvantage)

Also, excellent point about the excerebration/decerabration. I’ll keep an eye on the terms once I re-edit everything.


Hey, idk whether it is a mistake, but I feel each of these should be in different lines instead of just one. This is during the planning for the raid.

Name: Valkyrie Wulff Placement: To be confirmed Superior officer: To be confirmed Staging room: Zero Alpha

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Yeah, it’s a mistake. The formatting is sometimes wonky in ways I don’t quite understand. (it’s impossible to have something be on a lower line without a space for example. That in turn makes it awkward if there’s an extra space between each line, etc).

I’ve changed it now(but didn’t test it yet), which hopefully means it’ll be fixed. Thanks for reporting.


No worries. I’ll be happy to check it out after the update comes out.

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So the mc is 95%- 99% cyborg right? And a silly question but, what is the caliber of the minigun’s cartridges? And what about missile launcher? I think it’s more like a grenade launcher, right? Because it’s obviously belt fed, unless those are micro missiles?

The character you make in the game can be maybe half cyborg, a bit more perhaps, if they’re classed as Heavy. It’s assumed most of their internal organs are still biological, while their limbs may be entirely cybernetic.

As for minigun cartridge caliber and the missile launcher question, there’s no canonical answer to that I’m afraid. I haven’t exactly given thought to how weaponry like that would advance in the coming century, and I’d prefer to leave it unanswered unless it’s relevant to anything, to avoid making any stupid assumptions. Sorry. :smiley:

It’s more important that whatever effect they may have is consistent throughout the game-story, than what the actual real world “numbers” might be. (So, each time the weapon is used, the end result is similar, rather than being arbitrarily decided as fits the moment)

(though a grenade launcher is more appropriate perhaps, or micro missiles. They’re certainly no more than the size of a hand, per missile. They are self-guided from what I remember, though, so missile is more appropriate. There’s only 2 scenes where they’re even used, from what I remember, and I’m not even totally sure the usage is consistent. I’ll definitely have to take a look at them at some point to make sure it is)


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: by the 19th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

Hopefully tomorrow. If not, when I get back.




What date will you be back to update your demo?

I’ll be back on Sunday, but can’t get back to Cyberpolice until Monday.

Doesn’t look great for my ability to update it today(especially since I wouldn’t be here to fix anything). Since I’ll be away for Midsummer’s celebration, I expect that my anxiety will be a lot lower afterwards, which will hopefully mean I’ll get it out soon after.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: Next week(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington early July.

Yeah, didn’t happen. It is how it is. One of these days I’ll get a grip on myself. :stuck_out_tongue:

Back on Sunday/Monday, time for Midsummer and some time in the woods by a lake.


Have a good Midsummer!


Back now. There was an unexpected change in schedule while I was there, so I got home only today.

Work continues(and perhaps finishes) tomorrow.

Here’s two pictures. First was taken during the day, the other is from the same spot at around Midsummer Eve, at midnight, more or less the darkest moment of the brightest day of the year. The sun did technically go below the horizon for a few hours, since I wasn’t too up north.