Cyberpolice (Minor Update: 9th of November 2024) (WIP)

No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: 12th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

Back. No work today. Not entirely sure it’ll be done by the 12th, but definitely this week.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: by the 15th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

Mild progress today, won’t be done tomorrow. I’ll do my best to wrap it up ASAP.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: by the 15th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

Not yet.


my saves are disappearing

Have you been using the same device all along? (computer, phone, browser, etc)

Is it only affecting Cyberpolice?

I haven’t done any changes to anything, and the saves aren’t hosted anywhere that I can effect(nor do I understand the code), so unfortunately I can’t do anything about it that I know. Sorry.


I use the phone, I went to sleep and when I started playing again my saves simply disappeared.

I’m sorry to hear that, but I don’t think I can do anything about it.

You should be able to use the “skip to scene” option near the beginning(after making your character, and seeing the Mari Badr commercial in the train) to skip to a later point in the game and keep some previously made choices. It’s not a perfect solution, but the only one that might help.

Hmmh. I think I’ll add some sort of cheat system to the game at some point to let people skip around more freely and change anything about their character or choices. Should help with these kinds of problems, and to test things better.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: by the 15th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

Not as great progress as I would’ve liked. Still, very little left overall.


I think that point system might be for the best as it’s a simple and reliable way to track things up plus it’s generally appealing to minmax stuff anyways so a lot of people wouldn’t mind it that way.

Though personally, i’d go for a strain type system where the point system is implemented the same way but instead of a hard limit where you can’t put anymore cybernetics once you reached the threshold, you instead can put any enhancements all you want but with a heavy cost to both your body and mind similar somewhat to Cyberpunk but you don’t go murder crazy.

Each cyber enhancements has points that contributes to the amount of strains your body is currently suffering, for example a muscle enhancement cybernetic increase it by 6 points so the number will go up accordingly and the description will change depending on how many it is. As the numbers go up you’ll gradually suffer from different aliments raging from minor headaches or muscle stiffness to occasional severe headaches, coughing up blood, sudden loss of muscle strength/movement, and eventually death.
As you go beyond your limits your classification will change too and if you go way too far you might even be labelled as a threat so installing a mech exoskeleton will most likely turn into a shitshow if you’re not careful, also idk if you’re planning on making a cyber criminal route but it could be an interesting switch of narrative in the middle of the story but i think it might be too hard find a suitable moment to implement the change.
With this system you’ll be able to change many different scenes including the smut scenes i guess, depends on Tiavals, and can be quite flexible, but on the other hand it’s a pain to code in so many variables for oh-so-many scenes so i don’t think you’ll go with this system lol but it’s just my suggestion.
Feel free to ignore it Tiavals, i wouldn’t want to put unnecessary strains, no puns intended, to your already slow work so take this as a mere suggestion, nothing else.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: by the 19th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

When I said definitely this week, I was clearly optimistic on my ability to do a not-terrible amount of work per day. :stuck_out_tongue:

It really is strange that I can’t get myself to finish and post these updates unless I’m going on a trip. Which is what’ll happen on the 20th(Midsummer trip). So final deadline is the 19th. (unless miraculously I get a grip tomorrow, but I’m not betting on it). (also I’ll be away this Sunday)

Probably something to do with the updates having unusual and new content which means I fear the reception isn’t great and don’t want to be here to face it. :sweat_smile:

But theoretically that should mean the Mouse&Carrington versions should be easier to make since they won’t contain anything new in the same sense. (supposing the romantic content in the Stillwater version is acceptable quality wise)

As usual, sorry for the endless delays.

I wouldn’t be opposed to the more minor effects, since adding them to certain descriptions sounds like a fun way to add immersion and roleplaying and so on.

No death or game mechanical effects though, since that’s much more work and kinda goes against my design philosophy.

Way too much work. :smile:

Let’s first focus on finishing the current plan before adding anything that major into it.

I think it’s totally feasible to include stuff like headaches and such here and there. I’ll think about it once I start rewriting/re-editing stuff from the beginning. It shouldn’t have any real effect on my work rate, since adding such things is a super minor thing in the grand scheme of things. (a few lines of text when you get to your hotel room or start a day, etc, nothing more)

Good suggestion in any case.


Glad to hear it, i was worried i might’ve gone a bit too overboard but it’s good to hear you can add in some of the things i suggested. I’m interested to see how far the side effects can go and how many of them you’re gonna implement, very hype to see.


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: by the 19th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

As vexing as it is, no update today. Wednesday it is, then. Let’s not think of the possibility that I might fail that one too, shall we? :smiley:

Suggestions and feedback can’t really go overboard as long as they’re said with good intentions or a polite tone, I feel. Yours goes into that category, so no need to worry about anything. I do have the ability to ignore what people have written, after all, even if the suggestions are good. Just because someone makes a good suggestion doesn’t mean I have to put in the work to include it. I of all people know that I’ve been working on this for way too long already. It’s more important to finish the ideas I already have, than to get new ones. :rofl:

Besides, I’d much rather read a hostile rant that pointed out some problems than read nothing at all just because the person giving the feedback was worried about posting it. Can’t improve without feedback, after all. :grin:

In any case, don’t expect too much. If I decide to include anything it’ll just be some minor stuff for immersion, rather than anything that’ll change anything major. Maybe on occasion a tiny effect on some stuff, but never anything so big it’ll be a scene of its own. (well, maybe one :wink: )


My saves are fine and load properly, maybe a browser thing

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I just discovered this WIP, and i am so happy that I get to play as Adam Smasher in this. Amazing.


That’s only fair, it is your wip after all i’m liking the fact that you don’t let us sway you, you’re just doing your own thing and listening to feedbacks which i can respect. Anyways good luck with the major update Tiavals, looking forward to some more sweet RO interactions

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Hey I don’t know whether this sentence supposed to look like that. It sounds and looks like something was cut off. This when MC and Stillwater enter the Police Station.

"Gee, I didn’t think something like that would be a problem, but now that you mention it I guess it might be a drag. I’m sure you can


No update today.

Deadline for current update: Complete Stillwater one night stand: by the 19th of this month(explicit stuff included)
Deadline for the rest in this segment: Mouse and Carrington late June.

As mentioned earlier, no work today due to day-long trip.

Heh, thanks. I still haven’t played either Cyberpunk 2077 or watched Edgerunners so I’m not totally sure what he’s like. Glad you’re happy at least. :smiley:


I can’t believe no one’s reported that in over 3 years. :sweat_smile:

I’ve fixed it now, the change will go up once I upload the next update.

Thanks for reporting it.


Wait really? I wouldn’t have known if you didn’t say it. Adam Smasher from 2077 is a full heavy cyborg, and is more than two metres tall, with a rocket launcher on his shoulder and cannons in his arms. But anyway, your WIP is very fun.


I’m very familiar with Cyberpunk 2020(tabletop rpg), Deus Ex, and other other Cyberpunk things, which have a very similar aesthetic so it’s not that strange that the cybernetics I’ve chosen are similar to what’s in 2077. It’s a pretty closely-knit genre after all. :smiley:

(It is funny if it’s really THAT one-to-one though. Maybe I’ve been influenced by some trailer or teaser video material. I really should find time to play the game at some point. It’s been sitting in my Steam library for quite a while now)

Anyway, glad you’re having fun, hope it lasts. Remember, if you run into something that sours the game for you later on, please tell me about it so I can fix it. If I’m not aware of problems, I can’t do anything about them, after all. (this includes plot points and so on too, not just bugs)


Yes play the game if you want to, but i recommend watching ‘‘Cyberpunk Edgerunners’’ first. But cyberpunk aside, your world building is genius. The megacorps concept is so refreshing.