It’s from the Choice of script IDE
I’ve added you to a DM thread with guidance on working around this.
What is the solution
Hi @Hylix, welcome to the forum! I’ve moved your post here as it’s related to CSIDE - hopefully folks here will be able to help!
Hi! I hope I’m not being stupid here, but my title won’t seem to change on any of my projects despite me using the default *title command at the top? Happens on all my projects. Not sure if this is a CSIDE issue or a CS issue, could just use some wisdom!
Can you post a screen grab?
I’m pretty sure this is a CSIDE online (can’t vouch for the Mac/Windows versions) bug, as it happens to me on CSIDE web but not when I compile using my own copy of CS.
Other people have reported similar.
Thanks @Lan @BobTheFish, I confirm I see the behaviour. I’ve raised an issue: *title doesn't work in stable web · Issue #157 · ChoicescriptIDE/main · GitHub
Is this CSIDE related? More likely a bug in your code? May want to try posting in ChoiceScript Help.
guys…how did I mess up this bad sdkfjskdjf i get this error when i’m trying to test if my game runs on itch
Failed to read a named property 'cside' from 'Window': Blocked a frame with origin "" from accessing a cross-origin frame.