Hm, my character always goes towards high Wit, followed closely by Poise and Intrigue. She is weak in Flair and Spirit, which is thematically appropriate, as she tends to be Manipulative, Traditional, and Accommodating.
She did get engaged to Prince Rosario on the very first try and was accepted to Gessner University as well. Quite fitting really, considering she graduated from Harrovian School and got the highest exam results, repeating her unmatched performance in Gallatin for both term work and the exams. She did genuinely come to love Rosario, though the consideration of the benefits of such a match did play a considerable part in her decision, it is true.
Of course, being ambitious as she was and acutely nervous about her precarious situation, her thoughts and actions might have been a bit on the questionable side at times, such as helping Lady Rinaldt regarding the situation with spying on one of the teachers. My character was not exactly happy about it, but she reasoned it was for the good of the school’s reputation, along with not daring to defy Lady Rinaldt as she did not want to be removed from Gallatin, her family’s last chance, or cause Lady Rinaldt to otherwise make the situation even more difficult for herself or her parents. She also figured she might as well gain some favor from Lady Rinaldt in the process, with the benefits that it would bring.
It might be another reason why she tried to convince herself that nothing too untoward was happening in the school. She did not want the trouble, given how unstable her own position was, and she figured that it was best not to get involved.
Of course, considering how bad the situation got by the end with the mines, with one of the previous students dying, she could not go along with it any further. She is not a heartless monster, after all. At the same time, given her temperament and disposition, she was hardly going to defy Lady Renaldt openly about it. She did not want to be sent to the mines herself, after all, and she figured it was optimal to play double agent to end the madness from the inside, which all plays to her strengths. Furthermore, she did genuinely count Gonzalez as a dear friend and could not bring herself to truly have him kidnapped and sent to the mines.
As for how everything ended with Blaise, well, my character understandably did not particularly like her, but she did not particularly have a grudge against her. She simply put Blaise out of her mind and got on with her work, as she was too busy and worried about her own family’s situation to waste time on a vendetta towards Blaise. As such, she did ultimately help Blaise escape the mines at the end, though indirectly by helping Karson extract them. While she did not care for Blaise, she admitted that being sent to the mines was too much, especially since Gaspard had died from an accident in there. Well, that, and my character had not thought that Miss Dalca would be sent to the mines, which was a bit too much even for my character who does engage in some questionable actions or at least motivations herself.
It also explains why my character ultimately resolved the situation with Lady Renaldt as she did. She kept everything quiet and discreet. No creating a spectacle during the graduation, no informing the inspector. She simply told Mr. Blanchard and Mr. Griffith, then went to speak privately with Lady Renaldt. Given that my character and Lady Renaldt had come to like one another, well, my character did coax Lady Renaldt to admit that she might regret making the situation worse for my character and her family. Out of all the possible options for what Lady Renaldt offered in exchange for my discretion, my character asked her to make amends to Gaspard’s family, Blaise, and Miss Dalca. My character was ambivalent about Lady Renaldt initially sending students overseas, but having them sent to the mines and potentially or actually dying was a step too far. My character still liked Lady Renaldt at least somewhat and so did not want to force her resignation. Also, given that all the hard work she had done at Gallatin had already ensured that her family would return to wealth and prestige, she did not need to ask for that option either.
The situation was resolved quietly and cleanly, with no scandal erupting, which was a major priority for my character, as another motivation was to avoid causing trouble for the school, its students and faculty alike. After all, it was supposed to be a joyous graduation day for everyone, after all, and she did not want to spoil that for everyone, Hartmann, Freddie, Delacroix, Auguste, and all the rest. My own character returned to complete the graduation ceremony, of course, having worked so hard for that moment all year long. Afterwards, well, my character’s position was very strong, strong enough that she could have discredited or ostracized Lady Renaldt if she wanted. Still, it was not in my character’s personality. She admitted to herself that, despite everything, she did still like Lady Renaldt to some extent, combined with the fact that considering my own character’s sometimes questionable motivations and actions, well, she would have felt somewhat hypocritical pursuing such a course of action against Lady Renaldt. She hopes that with Mr. Blanchard and Mr. Griffith aware, it will help things from deteriorating to such a state again, that and Lady Renaldt keeping quiet to avoid a scandal will hopefully be enough for her not to go to such extremes again. Besides, given my character’s disposition, she simply wanted to recover and move on with her life, as she still has much to do to in the next phase to further improve her own and her family’s status.