Crème de la Crème Discussion and Romance Guide (Spoilers Within)

I’m thinking the farthest one is Freddie, she has long redhead hair, could be that instead of blonde. Plus all those papers since Freddie likes to read and stuff.
@derekmetaltron Blaise has short black hair, but they’re probably not on this cover anyways.

I’m not sure if they’re specific characters, though I headcanon the hat-wearer girl on the right as Max and the one in the front reading as Freddie. Any interpretations are cool!

Out of interest, this was what I sent to CoG about art ideas, though obviously I don’t know exactly what the editors sent to the artist:

A group of uniformed students lounging on a lawn, waiting in a line outside a Swiss-boarding-school-esque college building, or working in a classroom (ala this image). Should give the impression of wealth, finishing-school preppiness, and a 1920s-30s aesthetic.

Pictured students wouldn’t necessarily need to match the main characters of the game, but it would be cool to show them with varied attitudes - eg one’s scruffier and more rebellious-looking than the others, one’s sporty, one’s looking sleepy in class, one looks super keen. If you’d like to have the art directly represent the characters, I can provide descriptors. Although this sort of setting is traditionally very white and cisheteronormative, it’s important to show a variety of ethnicities and gender presentations.

Uniform description: everyone wears a white shirt and dark red-and-grey striped tie. Some wear red-and-gray checked skirts and dove-gray sweaters, some wide-legged trousers.

The artist knocked it out of the park :smile:


Heresy! Max is a cute guy. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The blonde in the background is Delacroix. She is a bit aloof and alone. Has an open heart and is vulnerable. She needs to find her prince.

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I always thought the immaculately turned-out gentleman at the front and left was Eugene. Most neatly dressed AND holding some kind of notebook/clipboard? NATCHHHH

EDIT: Oh it was a book.


That works too! That person does look very Serious Business which suits Hartmann :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Steam page is up! Creme de la Creme on Steam and only 12 days to go :scream:


Ahhhh how exciting!!!



That clip brings back a few high school memories. lol. :stuck_out_tongue: so mean.


I’ve never seen Wild Child, but my sibling adores it (it’s a regular fixture on her and her friends’ Trash Film Tuesdays) so I couldn’t resist!

My school did hockey which was the absolute worst. Later we were allowed to do football (soccer) which was more fun, but in general, PE was my nemesis and 16 years I still have dreams about managing to get out of doing it. I was not a sporty student at all. Ironically, I love running these days!


And the votes are in! Blaise it is. I will see about taking some quizzes either early tomorrow or in the evening. I have less time to do it in than I would have had before, but it’s for a good reason - I’ve just had my first day at :sparkles::sparkles: a new job! :sparkles::sparkles: which I’m feeling very good about.


Good for you!! You have the game coming out and a new job. It must be quite a bit of excitement for you. Congratulations

I really want ot try this game out but the dashingdon link always leads to an error saying that the game cannot be found. Why is that?

Probably because since the game has been submitted to COG and is about to be released soon, no need for the demo anymore.


Yep, what @MIGSey said. I’ll edit the posts later today to better reflect what’s there. The demo shouldn’t be too far away though!


The results are in!

Blaise Marechal is an ARIES :aries: :sheep:
…and is an ESFP, the Entertainer: Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving…
…and I would cast Tyler Posey, Camila Mendes, or Indya Moore

…and Blaise grew up in a lovely townhouse, 73 Stretfield Park, in Fenburg, the capital of Westerlin. Blaise had lots of lavish holidays, though, spending occasional winters in Zaledo to escape the cold, and staying in the Marechal beach house during the summer. The main family home was many storeys tall, and Blaise’s favourite place to sit was on the topmost balcony overlooking the bright, colourful garden. Blaise has studied at Gallatin since age 13.


All right! By popular demand let’s do this again :smiley: You’ve got until next Tuesday to get your votes in.

  • Auguste
  • Delacroix
  • Florin
  • Freddie
  • Gonzalez
  • Hartmann
  • Karson
  • Max
  • Rosario
0 voters

Is it just me or I can’t vote?

I can’t vote either.

The Discourse polls are so weirdly sensitive for arrow keys changing the date! Should work now.