Cover art

(Required) 1024x1024 icon, resizable to 48x48. This icon should not include the name
of your game.
(Required) 480x320 landscape promotional image. This image can include the name of
your game in a large font
Large 1024x500 landscape
Large 1400x560 landscape
Splash screen. This screen will be displayed briefly as the game starts; without a
splash screen, the screen will turn black for a second or two while the game loads.
These should NOT include the name of your game.
480x800 portrait (Android)
640x960 portrait (iPhone)
640x1136 portrait (iPhone 5+)
1536x2048 portrait (iPad portrait)
2048x1536 landscape (iPad landscape)

1:1 (48, 57, 72, 114, 512)
3:2 (180x120)
2:3 (320x480, 640x960)
3:5 (480x800)
3:4 (768x1024)
4:3 (1024x768)
40:71 (640x1136)
256:125 (1024x500)