Countdown to World's End [cancelled]

Sadly, he dies next issue, but then returns as a villain! (Joke)


She’s more worried that you’re going to give the game away too early.

Well, you may get to guard the prisoner. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Which is why I didn’t think he’d really fit your “Your Highness” character.

I may just let you do this…



Do I also get to be awkward and stammery? :innocent:


I was really hoping that Layla would respond to me saying she was my girlfriend, for better or worse :yum:


She does respond differently if you’re playing a boy, which leads me to suspect that you may be in luck.


What type of signals were you expecting … perhaps a blown kiss across the room followed by coy fluttering of the lashes? Or perhaps you wanted a come-hither finger-crook and a little bump of the rump to round things out?

Hmmm… idk.


What does she say to boys? :confused:

I was hoping for maybe a smile or a frown or something just to show something…instead nothing, just Alex saying something I wasn’t really paying attention to him :rolling_eyes:


She says: no, not in your wildest dreams.


Well that does bode well then! :heart_eyes:


Or a come-hither blood red sword?

She corrects a boy, saying she’s his sister instead. Also relationship goes down, but if a girl says they’re girlfriends it goes up. Alex just said it’s sweet, that’s all. I guess you and I are markedly opposite when it comes to him :stuck_out_tongue:


Well I have an easy time tuning out and forgetting what guys say, my coworkers give me plenty of practice lol

[quote=“TSSL, post:164, topic:21666, full:true”]


I may or may not be Betty Bupiter.

Well, time for an in-depth “review”. @ParrotWatcher, I give my wholly unique endorsement that you may toss my MC from a ledge–ribbons over arse, maim le boyfriends, and be as actively dark as a black hole as long as I can continue to surpass stunning with my purple hair, eyes, flames, and Hawke persona. It might seem that I am suspiciously easy to please with so little, (why, 'tis not as if I relate such a sentiment to all authors who offer such options…teehee), yet my shallowness does have its advantages. It also must be known I am not the usual admirer of all things super-heroic, and yet fancy power-driven WIP, there I seem to be. Now an avid CountdowntoWorld’sEndWatcher once SamMC is free to sail off to the moon atop love-fueled crutches.

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I’m having choked sobs right now because this is so nice but the demo is short right now D: You know, wildly red hair always reminds me of two defenders of justice with tragic background. Uh, anyway, I always love a good superhero concept, especially ones that reference comic books!

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Oh, you know, I didn’t think of this before (I was distracted :blush:), but I just realized about the new scene at the end… the cutie’s parents don’t appear to be doing anything during the hostage crisis? Glancing over the only thing I’m spotting is the mother and brother clutching each other. What is the father doing all this time? Was he one of the paralyzed? A line or two referencing the mother and father’s reactions could keep them from seeming entirely apart from the scene without impairing the narrative thrust.

Also I’m still curious if Alex was the guy you were refering to being cautiously optimistic I might like or if there was someone else in store :wink:

If this is gonna happen, then please may there be the opportunity to kiss and make it better? :kissing_heart:

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That’s nice to know… :smiling_imp:

Father: How dare you kidnap my son! That’s my property! Well, it’s not like I don’t have a spare…

There are certainly a plurality of cute guys as yet unmet…


Ah. I see he bears his aristocratic instincts with the utmost of refinement :tophat:

We’ll just have to see if I steal his son’s heart whether he considers that to be his property as well :confused:

If I collapse in a fit of fanboyish effusion by the end, I’ll know whom to blame :flushed::angry::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


You said it!! XD
we already catch his eyes :smirk:


My bathroom has the toilet in it…


What if the water closet has a bath in it too?

Well, then, yes, it would be a bathroom (obviously). :rolling_eyes:


You just love how difficult Americans are, don’t you? :stuck_out_tongue:

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