Confusing error

Hey, having a bit of really confusing trouble with my code rn.
It keeps looping after a certain choice, doesnt show an error code (and breaks my randomtest that also gets stuck right at that choice).

Edit: it seems there is sth wrong with the rain variable itself.

This is my code, :

*temp rain false
*temp sun false

  *set rain true
  *goto xy
  *set sun true
  *goto xy
*label xy

Now, I had this with a fake_choice but that had the same problem
What comes afterwards at label xy, or what came after the old fake_choice

*if ((xy) or (yx))
 *goto xxy
*if (((rain) and (qw)) or (wq))
 *goto dfg
*if (((sun) and (qw)) or (wq))
 *goto drg

Add a *choice

*temp rain false
*temp sun false

   *set rain true
   *goto xy
   *set sun true
   *goto xy
*label xy

I have in the og code, forgot to add it here.

You may need to post the whole uncut unmodified code for useful help with this one.

Here, I dont know what I can do there, I think there is sth wrong with something afterwards (posting that too)

 #"It's going to be warm today."
  *set sonnenstrafe true
 #"They said there is going to be another storm today."
  *set sturmstrafe true

No one talks afterwards and you can't help but feel like a true criminal, as they follow you up to your room. 
*if (((sonnenstrafe= true) and (male = true)) or (trans_female = true))
  *goto vorsonnec
*if (((sturmstrafe) and (male)) or (trans_female))
  *goto vorregenc
*if (((sonnenstrafe = true) and (female)) or (trans_male))
  *goto vorsonnef
*if (((sturmstrafe = true) and (female)) or (trans_male))
  *goto vorregenf

*label vorsonnec

now here comes this code (its the same for all the other scenes)
*if (schwan = true)
 *goto schwanstrafe
*if (schwan != true) 
 *if (sonnenstrafe = true)
  *goto sonnenstrafe
 *if (sturmstrafe = true)
  *goto sturmstrafe

I think the problem lies somewhere within the label schwanstrafe but i cant seem to find it, so here is the (ugly ik) code for that too, i have deleted the text as it is unimportant

*label schwanstrafe

You look up when someone steps beside you, your eyes widening when you realise it is 
*if ((male = true) or (trans_female = true)) 

 *if (ebez = "freund")
  *goto strafeelrond
 *if ((ebez = "romkussweg") or (ebez = "korbinabwesenheit"))
  *set emhilfe true
    *set ebez "freund"
    *goto strafe
    *set ebez "korb"
    *goto strafe
 *if (((ebez != "freund") or (ebez != "romkussweg")) or (ebez != "korbinabwesenheit"))
  *set emhilfe true
  *goto strafe

Version 2:
*if ((ebez = "romkussweg") or (ebez = "korbinabwesenheit"))
  *set efhilfe true
     *set ebez "korb"
     *if (sonnenstrafe = true)
      *goto sonnenstrafe
     *if (sturmstrafe = true)
      *goto sturmstrafe

(its like 1 o clock in the morning here, going to bed so if i dont answer thats why)

Don’t forget to use the markdown ``` before and after the code so we can see all your indents.

like this.

You’re missing a space after “sonnenstrafe”, I wonder if that changes anything.


It does nothing, but I have changed it, still the same error.

Can you close this?

The error has been found!

Autocorrect on another variable was what resulted in the loop.