Concept Artist looking for work

Name: Miguel Nogueira
Timezone: GMT+1 (UK/London/Lisbon)

What I can do: I can concept design through artwork, including ideas, iterations, brainstorming, story research, level design and game design sketches, mood, aesthetics, and art direction in general. I also have experience working in graphic design, digital and traditional clay sculpting, and have knowledge of cinematography and multimedia tools. I have worked with a few indies and big studios alike, such as Frictional Games with Amnesia Rebirth, collaborated with Blink 182, Volta Studio, NetEase Games, acted as consultant and Art contest jury to AMD, to name a few.

My work has been featured from news sites such as Kotaku to art communities such as Behance (character design category feature), CGSociety Hall of Fame, and Artstation Editor’s picks.

I’m currently working with a few studios under NDA material.

If you have a project you’d like to start, I’d love to hear from you, reach out by email, as I’m currently booking the following available weeks in my schedule.

I’ll invite you to visit my website: or my Artstation: ArtStation - Miguel Nogueira
And drop me a line through


You do beautiful work.


These look amazing!


Excellent work. Hope you get some business.


thank you all! Im available once again :slight_smile:

Its that time of the year again, available once more, for those who need help with concept art :slight_smile:

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This is beautiful work!! Do you have social media or something, would love to follow you

Heya! Sure, they’re all on my website :slight_smile: thank you so much!

What are your prices? I’ve got an idea for a two character concept art it’s effectively the same character but in two different forms (it’s for a future project based of Jekyll and Hyde).

Apologies for the late answer, I actually had to start a new thread, since I couldnt edit the original one, all because the website is offline and I moved to instead, so updating this one thread was misleading.
Please do send me an email if you need help on this! I’d be happy to go over your needs with you on a call and provide a custom quote! It’s hard for me to give you something like a fixed price without seeing a creative brief, every project is different and every client has its own objectives!

And thanks everyone for the comments, I really appreciate it

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