COMING THURSDAY: "The Superlatives: Aetherfall" - New Author Interview and TRAILER

As said, it’s a YMMV thing

Is the game being released later on the amazon appstore? I can only seem to find it on steam.

No game is “released” until our mailer goes out. Amazon often takes a long time to show up.

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Question, what are our powers exactly? Or is it like the force and with time and training you can eventually do anything

You have aetherblasts + one of three abilities you can pick from:
I dunno what the first one entitles but the second is flight and weather control (wind), the third is gadgeteering.

Checked it, haven’t seen that much but I think it is super physical condition

Who’s the widow? It says I can romance the widow but who is that? I know there is Jane and dusk but who’s the last one?

Widower, it’s Hugh
Speaking of him I think I got a bug when romancing him. I know I romanced him and at the epilogue he treated me like a friend and I didn’t get his achievement.
On another playthrough I picked Lord Dusk (so yes he can be a guy) as the one I cared the most about and to stay with him as my team defended the base but my mc suddenly went to the base to protect Gatsby as if I picked him.

Ah much appreciated my friend.

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I tried to romance both Jane and Hugh and while it does seem possible it was a bit weird. I started the romance with both of them, had an awkward talk with them about dating them both and they were both okay with that. Well, Hugh was okay with that and Jane said that she wanted time to think about it and talk about it again at a later time.

But we didn’t talk about it again.

Instead, I went with Hugh on a romantic date (even though I had a higher relationship stat with Jane) and got both achievements for dating them. After that, Jane was the one who got kidnapped and at the end, I got the same text as if I just dated one of them.

So while my relationship with Hugh doesn’t need to have anything to do with my relationship with Jane, it felt a bit weird. After she told me that she needed time to think and wanted to talk later about it again I just thought that we would talk about it again. But we didn’t.

I am just wondering if it is supposed to be like that or if this is a bug? If it is supposed to be like that then… I don’t want to be rude but… why give the option if there isn’t any closure to this?